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Seungmin, the boys and I were in Germany for work purposes and to go for a holiday as well.

Mr. Karl: so we have a deal?
Seungmin: deal

They shake hands. We leave to our hotel.

Me: whew finally done for the day!
Seungmin: babe, I'm going out with Chan to do something.
Me: alright, take care of yourselves

he kisses me then leaves. Jiwoo and I go over to Felix's room.

Me: hey Lix
Felix: hey, what are you doing here?
Me: Seungmo and Chan went out
Felix: oh yea- oh really?
Me: yup

I lie on his bed while Felix played with Jiwoo. We hang out for a while then Felix got a call.

Me: who's calling?
Felix: uh- JUST- my uncle?
Me: uhm alright?

he runs away and answers the call

Me: Jiwoo-ya, what do you wanna do tomorrow?
Jiwoo: ice cweam
Me: let's ask Seungmin hyung later when he gets back yea?
Jiwoo: otey

Felix comes back

Felix: did I hear someone wants ice cream? Why don't we go now?

we went into the car. After about 30 mins driving I started to think Felix was lost.

Me: Lix are you lost?
Felix: what why?
Me: we've been driving for 30 minutes.. And I saw a few shop on the way.. We could just go there
Felix: there's this shop you've got to try though.. it's far but it's like super good
Me: if you say so

after another 20 minutes of driving we reached a little cafe by the river.

Felix: I'll take Jiwoo.. You can go find us a place first.

I open the front door to see a rose petal path prepared. I followed it to the other side of the cafe. Seungmin was standing there. There were flowers around him on the floor.

Me: Seungmo.. What is this???
Seungmin: we've been together for 5 years and the unofficial 3 years.. I've known you for 8 years in total.. Choi Jaeya.. You literally light up my life.. If it weren't for you I'd probably be just a stupid lifeless guy.. I want to officially tell the world your name is Kim Jaeya not Choi Jaeya anymore.. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you and I wanna start a family with you.. So will you please do me the honours and be my wife..

he kneels down and opens a ring box. Inside it was a beautiful diamond ring.

Seungmin: will you marry me?
Me: yes yes yes!!!

he puts the ring in my finger then we kiss. After 3 months, the invitations were given out. Seungmin and I decided that we wanted to keep the wedding just between the boys, Seungmin's family and mine. That's when I finally decided to visit my brothers again.

Guard: hey! Leave
Me: no

the guard took his gun out

Guard: don't wanna get shot now do you? You're still pretty young.. Got a life to live eh?

I take the gun and aim it at my forehead

Me: smirk shoot me.. I dare you

He was a newbie. I could tell by the way he holds the gun. And bonus, he didn't know me.

Guard: I won't hesitate to do that

I look at my nails

Me: then do it sheesh.. I'm waiting

the guard looks at me uncertained.


He turns to see Soobin standing there

Guard: SIR! She was trespassing
Soobin: dumbass she's my sister

the guard went pale and kept apologising.

Me: oh shut up we're not gonna kill you.... yet..

he turned green

Soobin: stop teasing him..
Me: hey, newbie.. When you work for the mafia you don't hesitate...

I take his gun and cock it and shot a chicken.

Me: to kill.... Let's eat that for dinner eh binnie?
Soobin: get the cook and tell them that's our dinner

he told the guard. We went to his office. He sat on his chair while I sat on the table.

Me: where's Gyu?
Soobin: he's out right now
Me: what has he been up to recently?
Soobin: I bet he found himself a girl but he hasn't told me bout her
Me: dayum.. What about you?
Soobin: you know, mafia crap.. Did you enjoy yourself in Germany
Me: definitely did

I hand him a file and a letter with ribbons tied to it.

Me: a gift from Germany
Soobin: thanks.. How's you and Seungmin?
Me: he's coming over for dinner

he opened
the invitation and read it silently

Soobin: what.... you're getting married???
Me: yeah...
Soobin: when did he propose?
Me: 3 months ago in Germany
Soobin: wow... Congrats
Me: thanks.. Just wanna ask for your blessing for our we-
Soobin: you have all my blessings... Why didn't you tell me earlier?
Me: we wanted to surprise you
Soobin: wow... We need to contact Gyu right now

Soobin called Beomgyu

Soobin: Gyu ah... Come to my office now.. Its important
Beomgyu: ok

After a while, he enters the office.

Beomgyu: oh- Yaya what are you doing here?
Me: here.. For you

I hand him his invitation

Me: Seungmo's coming for dinner

he looks at me in shock

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