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Me: I want him to be raised with him knowing his parents are dead

Seungmin scribbles that down on a paper

Seungmin: so what is he gonna call us?
Me: Nuna and Hyung
Seungmin: we can work with that
Me: also I would like him to have a personal tutor until he's old enough to choose whether he wants to go to school or remained home school

he writes it down

Seungmin: alright anything else?
Me: yes, one last one, I don't want him to grow up spoiled so please correct him when he's wrong. And when I mean correct him, I mean tell him what he did wrong, ask him if he knows why we're punishing him then punish him.
Seungmin: that's very... Wow... You're parenting skills are really good...
Me: thank you

he writes the last one down

Seungmin: that's it?
Me: yes

he calls his secretary in and passes him the paper

Seungmin: under Jiwoo please
Secretary: yes sir

he bows then leaves the room

Seungmin: do you have anything to do today?
Me: I was gonna practice with Han and Lix
Seungmin: Lix?
Me: felix
Seungmin: is that a nickname between you two?
Me: yeah
Seungmin: why don't I get one?
Me: why should you need one?
Seungmin: I'm your fiancée ma'am
Me: I'll think about it.... Isn't Chan your secretary?
Seungmin: he's my crewmate, my brother, I work alongside him not as his boss but I don't have a choice when it comes to being the leader.
Me: ah.. then I'll get going first
Seungmin: alright

I left the room. I went to find Lix. He was at the meadow playing with Han and Jiwoo.

Me: Lix! Han!
Han: who's Lix?
Me: Felix
Han: I want a nick name too
Me: Han Jisung.. I'll call you Jiji or Sungie
Han: I like that

3 years have passed. I lived here perfectly fine. I became close with the members. Seungmin and I were close as well. We acted as a couple when we had business to finish. Seungmin does a lot of nice things for me. And for the first time in my life, I feel like I've been treated properly. All the boys respect me and my scars have healed all the way. There's just marks there that won't be leaving any time soon. Soobin and I meet every morning at the borders. Jiwoo is currently 3+, he's a good boy, well loved by everyone yet not spoiled. One day, while I was in Seungmin's and my shared room. Innie came in

IN: Jaeyaaa!!
Me: yeah?
IN: wanna try making cupcakes?
Me: sure let's go

we went and baked them together. After we were done, I brought some over to Seungmin's office. The big Congress was coming up soon, Seungmin's been busy with Chan to make sure they'd make a good impression this year. I enter the room.

Me: hey Seungmo
Seungmin: hello darling

Seungmo's a nickname I gave him. In return he said he wanted to call me by those lovey names so that we can make an impression in front of the staff and they won't go around spreading rumours.

Me: Where's chan?
Seungmin: went to the folder room

I put the cupcakes on his table and took one to feed him

Me: try it

he took a bite

Seungmin: they're delicious, did you make them?
Me: yep with Innie
Seungmin: leave them there I'm almost done. Oh and don't go yet, I wanna talk.

I then sat on his table eating the cupcake I gave him

Me: are you gonna meet my dad at the Congress?
Seungmin: yup...

he stood up and stood in front of me. I feed him a cupcake then dust my hands to adjust his tie.

Me: so what's up?
Seungmin: they want you there at the Congress.. I've got at least 25 letters telling me to bring my 3 year old fiancée to it.

He ruffles his hair and sighs

Me: are we that big of a hit???
Seungmin: well... Seems like you and I are one of the best known couples in mafianet
Me: alright then, I'll go.. I'll get going first ya?
Seungmin: alright sure

I leave the room as Chan walks in

Me: I've left cupcakes on the table. Go try some.
Chan: will do

-Chan's POV-

Me: you called?
Seungmin: yeah... Could you check the due for Mr. Kang's payment? And can you send me the schedule for the Congress?
Me: yeah sure
Seungmin: thanks.. Speaking of the Congress, did you see the amount of requests I got this year to bring her along?
Me: is it that much?

Seungmin opens a drawer full of letters

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