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Beomgyu: you're... You're getting married???
Me: yup
Beomgyu: wow.. it felt like only a few days back you were forced to live with Seungmin hyung
Me: yea... But its been about 8 years...
Beomgyu: congrats.. I'm so happy for you
Me: thanks

later at night, Seungmin came over for dinner.

Seungmin: Soobin, Beomgyu, how are you?
Soobin: never better... So I heard the news..
Seungmin: ah yeah..
Soobin: if you don't treat my sister right, I'll dig your eyes out~

He said in such a cheerful voice, it was scary. Months went on and the both of us got so busy with the planning.

Me: Seungmo, tomorrow we have to visit the cake shop at 10am, check the food caterers at 1pm, go to the florist at 4pm
Seungmin: don't forget we're having dinner with my grandparents at 7pm.
Me: ah yea, thanks for reminder.

He back hugs me and rest his head on my shoulder.

Seungmin: now go to sleep, beautiful. I'll get things done. You haven't slept the last 48 hours.
Me: but-
Seungmin: leave it to me.

He scoops me up and drop me on the bed and kneels down by the bed looking at me.

Me: sigh.. Okay... Remember, get the reservations done by tonight.
Seungmin: yes yes, now go to sleep.
Me: okay thank you

He was staring at me.

Me: what?
Seungmin: can I not admire how beautiful my fiancée is?
Me: smiles I love you
Seungmin: I love you too sweetheart... I can't believe we're getting married already.
Me: me neither...
Seungmin: now go to sleep, I'll wake you up at 8 tomorrow okay?
Me: thanks handsome

The next day, I opened my eyes to see Seungmin bringing in a tray of food for me.

Seungmin: fancy a little breakfast in bed?
Me: delicious
Seungmin: here you go

He places the tray on my lap. Then went to the wardrobe to take out something.

Seungmin: so I got you this dress to match with me for the dinner with my grandparents tonight. Is it okay?

It had floral patterns all over it with the dress being pastel blue.

Seungmin: and I got matching high heels and a headband for you... So? How is it?
Me: it's beautiful
Seungmin: smiles I'm glad you like it.

The day went by so fast, before they knew it, it was time for the dinner.

Seungmin: ready?
Me: yeah

He offered his hand to me and I accepted it. We went over to their mansion.

Seungmin's grandmother: hello darlings.
Me: hi ma'am

I bowed

Seungmin's grandmother: oh don't need to be formal with us. You can call me Grandma and call my husband Grandpa- anyways, come in come in

We went inside and got seated at the dining table.

Me: wow grandmother, your house is huge.
Grandmother: thank you

We had an enjoyable time together, but unfortunately, it had to come to an end.

Me: thank you so much for the lovely dinner
Grandmother: of course darling. Since you two are getting married, do come by more often. I'll cook more delicious food for you.
Me: will definitely do
Grandfather: Seungmin is lucky he found such a lovely girl.
Me: awh I'm not that great of a girl.
Grandfather: no no, you are.
Me: smiles thank you so much
Seungmin: well, we're pretty busy tomorrow. We should get going.

Then we headed home. Finally, after months of preparations. The special day arrived. I was in the waiting room with Beomgyu. I have yet to wear the dress and was pacing back and forth.

Beomgyu: you alright?
Me: ....
Beomgyu: Yaya...?
Me: I- I'm fine
Beomgyu: don't have to lie
Me: what if this wasn't a good idea? What if Seungmin doesn't actually love me? I'm not good enough to be a wife. I suck at everything. I can't do this Gyu..
Beomgyu: woah woah calm down for a sec. First off, this should be the best day of your life. Why are you worrying about it so much? And secondly, I'm confident Seungmin loves you with all his heart okay? You don't have to worry about that. He treats you like his queen. You'll be fine. For you being a wife, well I can't say anything because I don't know how you are around him so yeah but I know no matter what mistake you make, Seungmin will be there for you. He'll teach you and look after you.

The door opens to Seungmin's grandmother.

Grandmother: hello there beautiful
Me: grandmother
Grandmother: how are you feeling love?
Me: I'm very very nervous.
Grandmother: don't worry, it's normal. You should have seen the day I married Grandfather, I was crying until my make up was all over the place and they had to redo it. Don't do the same thing I did to those make up artists.
Me: giggles don't worry I won't do that.
Grandmother: Good. Now, it's almost time. Might want to go ahead and put your dress on.

I went to put the dress on and came back out just as Soobin walks into the room.

Soobin: hey, you read- woah
Grandmother: oh darling, you look gorgeous.
Beomgyu: I've never seen you look so beautiful before.
Me: is it okay? Did I put it on right? Or did I mess up?
Soobin: you look perfect. Now shall we?

-Seungmin's POV-

Chan: My man's all grown up
Seungmin: oh my gosh, I feel like I'm gonna wet my suit
Chan: don't you dare.
Seungmin: I'm so nervous.
Chan: relax, it's gonna be fine.
Seungmin: what if she wasn't ready? Don't you think this is a little too early? Does she really love me?
Grandfather: if she doesn't love you, she would've left you ages ago. So no need to fret.
Seungmin: grandpa-
Chan: he's right. If she didn't love you, she wouldn't have gone through all those things for you.
Grandfather: you'll be alright kid. Now let's go change her last name!

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