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Chan pulls me up and we walk back. He brought me back to my room where we saw Jaeya sleeping on the couch in my room. Chan smiles and looks at me.

Chan: I don't think you messed it up

I carry her up almost throwing her because of how light she was. I then lie her on my bed.

Chan: whispers watch out!
Me: whispers I knew she was light but I didn't know she was THIS light
Chan: whispers same here...
Me: whispers when'd you carry her?
Chan: whispers she wasn't feeling well yesterday.
Me: ah...

I kept staring at her beautiful face.

Chan: go get some sleep
Me: yeah you too

he left the room. I went to shower then went to sleep on the couch.

-Jaeya's POV-

Next morning, I woke up to find Seungmin sleeping on the couch I went to sleep on last night. I was sleeping on the bed? After I got ready, as I was walking out of the toilet, I heard a really faint noise. I went to check on Jiwoo. He was crying very softly. I pick him up and cradle him.

Me: aww shh how long have you been crying now Jiwoo?

I rock him as his cries lessen

Me: I guess your Hyung didn't hear your faint cries.. I'm sorry it's also my fault Nuna didn't hear you..

I went down to the kitchen and made a bottle of milk for him. His cries soften as he drank.

???: for someone who's kept hidden all their life, you're really good with children..

I look up to see Felix standing there.

Me: smiles I'll take that as a compliment.
Felix: fine by me
Me: what are you doing awake so early?
Felix: I'm usually the one up first.. After me will be Seungmin
Me: ah... How's your leg?
Felix: getting better, at least I can walk now..
Me: that's good
Felix: what are you planning to do today
Me: I don't really have much in mind but I definitely need to talk to Seungmin about Jiwoo
Felix: do you wanna go practice with Han and I? Actually more like you practice with Han because I can't fight yet.
Me: sure

We ate breakfast together then went on a walk outside the meadows.

Me: it's so nice being outside with the fresh air
Felix: yeah.... I know what you mean
Me: I want a nickname that only I can call you with...
Felix: what for?
Me: for fun?
Felix: okay then
Me: can we go with Lix? I like it
Felix: yeah definitely
Me: alright Lix
Felix: it's 9 right now, you're gonna go find Seungmin rite?
Me: oh yeah- here wanna look after Jiwoo?
Felix: yesss please!
Me: bring him to lunch in one piece!
Felix: I will don't worry

I passed Jiwoo to him then went to find Seungmin. I was told he would be in his office so I went there. I was at the reception desk when his secretary came up to me.

Secretary: I'm sorry miss whoever you are, you shouldn't be here

Since I came like 4 days ago so not many people recognise me yet. They know my name but they don't know my face.

Me: who are you?
Secretary: his secretary
Me: sir just let me meet him

the man said something into his earpiece

Secretary: we've got a suspect down here in the reception
Me: smirk tsk

I wanted to have some fun so I took the gun Seungmin gave to me to protect myself.

Me: I won't hesitate to kill you if you're in my way
Secretary: miss, leave before I kill you.

he takes his gun out. Seungmin came running out of the room.

Seungmin: what are you doing to my fiancée?!

Seungmin ran to me as I smirk to the secretary. His face turned pale of terror.

Seungmin: are you alright? Did he hurt you?

he checks my face and hands.

Me: no I'm fine let's go inside

I kept my eye contact with him and mouthed 'you're dead'. I couldn't resist playing with him. He fell to his knees and begged Seungmin for forgiveness

Secretary: I am so sorry! Please spare me!
Seungmin: depends if my fiancée wants it or not... What do you say darling?
Me: alright alright, it's not your fault since I'm new here so it's fine.
Secretary: thank you so much!

We walked into Seungmin's office.

Seungmin: here take a seat

He sits me down on the couch and pours tea for me. He then sits opposite of me.

Seungmin: so, why'd you come find me?
Me: I want to talk to you about Jiwoo.
Seungmin: Jiwoo? Go ahead

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