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after dinner, I waited till it was 3 in the morning then I went to find which cell they were locked in.

Me: Chan? Boys?.... Seungmo?... Hyunjin? Jisung? Innie? Guys? Where are you.... Lix?... Please guys, I want to help....
Felix: .... Here....

I ran to the cell the noise came from

Me: guys! I promise I'll get you out.. I just need to find Seungmin first.. This place is huge..

no one responded

Me: you really think I'd betray you?
Felix: if you didn't betray us we wouldn't be here...

my heart broke into pieces. Felix walked up to the metal bars.

Felix: is this what you were planning all this while?

he hit the bars hardly and grabs it


I was so hurt because of what he said. I loved them and they were like my family. Better than my blood related one but I knew I had to stay strong.

Me: ......

I went and took the key and got them out. I handed them back their weapons

Me: you need me in here... This is my home.. I know this place best...
Minho: fine.. We'll follow you till till we get Seungmin out of here
Changbin: she's probably bringing us to our death...
Me: .....

we walked around for a while then found Seungmin in a room. He was tied to a chair. His face was pale.

Me: Seungmo!
???: take another step and I'll shoot him

Chan turns on the lights to see my father, Yeonjun and his guards standing around Seungmin. Guns pointing at us. Father has his gun aimed on Seungmin's head.

Me: father..
Me: my own family? You think I've ever considered you and Jun my family? Bullshit

I was shaking. Tears were coming out of my eyes. Memories of me getting hurt were flooding back. I could feel the pain hitting me.

Me: ALL YOU EVER DID WAS HURT ME! TREAT ME LIKE SHIT!.... You're not my family.... A family cares for each other.... I'm not gonna betray the people that looked out for me over the past 3 years... I-
Father: Choi Jaeya... Don't you dare
Me: ... I'm gonna say this loud and clear... I love Kim Seungmin... And I'm not coming back here


My shoulder started to feel numb. Blood was coming out from it. I look up to see Yeonjun holding a gun that was pointed at me.

Me: argh sHIT
Yeonjun: don't speak ill of father like that
Me: BLOODY IDIOT! I FRIKING HATE YOU!.... And to think I thought you might change.
Yeonjun: you-
Me: go to hell bitch
Yeonjun: ... 1v1, you lose, I kill him and you come back here... I lose.. Feel free to leave
Me: bet
Yeonjun: SHUT U-
Me: Bang Christopher Chan shut up
Chan: but-
Me: stay out of this

I attacked him first then we started fighting. It went on for a while and I was winning until father intervened and kicked me on my wounded shoulder and I fell. I was injured, tired and weak. I weakly smile at Seungmin.

Me: if anything happens Seungmo, I love you

I had 2 bullets left in my gun. I took my gun out.

Me: is this ever gonna stop father?
Father: what is?
Me: the pain, the torture..
Father: irresponsible children like you needs to be taught the right way
Me: I figured even if I win this now, I'm gonna get taunted even after this so I'm sorry father... I'm sorry Yeonjun... You've hurt binnie, Gyu and I too much already... It's time I end it..

I aimed my gun at Yeonjun.

Me: it's time to put an end to your Bullshit.

I turn my gun to my father, close my eyes and release the trigger.  I slowly open my eyes to see a hole right between his eyes. Blood all splattered behind the wall he was standing at. I watched him fall down. Yeonjun ran towards father. The boys acted fast and shot the guards. Felix knelt down beside me.

Me: I'm fine.. get Seungmo first.
Felix: Yaya...

The pain in my shoulder was unbearable. I closed my eyes and feel into a black void. When I woke up, I was in Seungmin's room. He was sitting beside me.

Seungmin: Yaya! Are you alright?

Seungmin helped me sit up

Me: ..... what happened?
Seungmin: well after you fainted, Soobin and Beomgyu rushed into the room. They helped us out..
Me: ....
Seungmin: .... Are you okay?
Me: I just need some time alone
Seungmin: sure no worries, should I bring in some food for you?
Me: I'm not hungry
Seungmin: okay then

He leaves the room. A week has gone by and I have yet to leave the room. I don't eat, I don't talk. I just sit there, rethinking what I did to my father. The amount of guilt I felt. I know it wasn't right but it was for the best.

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