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Chris: I'm sorry, I have to go for a while but I can call Jeongin to cover for me
Me: alright

he left so I started to roam around. I went into a room. It looked like a hospital room so I guess it's a med bay or something

???: we meet agian....

I turn to see the guy I wounded on the bed

Me: oh hi sorry... I'll leave
???: you can stay if you want.. I don't really mind
Me: sure?
???: yeah... You're Jaeya?
Me: yup... You are?
???: Felix
Me: nice to meet you
Felix: you're way stronger than I expected...
Me: I get that a lot..
Felix: yeah..

it was kinda awkward

Felix: uhm you know what.... Let's start fresh...
Me: yeah.. Sorry I hurt you.. It was by force...
Felix: same... Seungmin scolded me after you left...
Me: really?... I'm guessing this was nothing to you since you're his mafia crewmate
Felix: well.....
Me: aren't you the combat leader?
Felix: nah... Han is... He's way better at hand in hand combat than I am
Me: Han?
Felix: yeah... I'm more of secondary.... And this is my first time I've been hurt this bad
Me: wait are you serious?
Felix: yup...
Me: dang...
Felix: I'm pretty soft on the inside...
Me: no shit...
Felix: I bet I ain't the first crew mate you've met right?
Me: I've only met Chris and you so far and of course Seungmin
Felix: really?
Me: yup... I'm supposed to meet Jeongin? Now because Chris and I were on tour when he was called..

right on time Jeongin came running into the room

IN: hyung! Have you see-
Felix: she's here
IN: oh- hello

he bowed

Felix: Innie... What did we tell you? Mafias don't bow
IN: she's older than me and she's my leader's fiancée.. I should respect her...
Me: I'm the nuna???
Felix: seems like it...
Me: but you're still older right?
Felix: I'm 18.. you're?
Me: 17
Felix: same as Innie.. When's your birthday?
Me: uhm 17 May
Felix: ah he's older
Me: I never liked being called nuna by others expect for Hyuka anyways so it's kinda a good thing...
Felix: Hyuka?
Me: one of my best friends
Felix: how many do you have?
Me: 3
Felix: who are they?
Me: Soobin, Gyu and Hyuka
Felix: ah..
IN: shall we continue the tour? Hyung do you wanna come?
Felix: I think I'm fine... You 2 better hurry up.. It's already 3.. We're gonna have dinner at 6
IN: right, almost forgot about it... Then let's hurry shall we?
Me: mhm

Jeongin continued the tour then he brought me back to my room. We talked for a while there since we had a little time to spare. We got to know each other better

IN: wow it's already 5.... I need to go get ready now.. See you in a while
Me: yup see you too

Felix and Jeongin isn't that bad honestly. I think I'd get along with them pretty well but then again Seungmin might've told them to pretend to be nice to me to deceive me so I need to be cautious. Chris came in with an outfit for me to wear

Chris: here.. This is for you
Me: thanks
Chris: mhm see you at dinner

he leaves the room as I went to get ready. I was given a crop top hoodie with a skirt and boots. As usual, it was black with bits of red here and there. When I came out, Chris was waiting in my room

Chris: smiles you two would make a perfect couple
Me: who?
Chris: you and Seungmin
Me: okaay....
Chris: shall we?
Me: let's go

we went to the dining room. 6 other people were sitting there. Felix and Jeongin were there. Felix saw us coming in. He came towards us.

Chris: Felix! Be careful! You're hurt!
Felix: I'm not five it's fine.. Anyways Jaeya, I want you to meet someone

a boy about half a head taller than me walked behind Felix

Felix: this is Han. He's the one I was talking about that was good at hand to hand combat
Me: ah nice to meet you

he shakes my hand and smiles. I wonder how many people has this hand killed

Han: nice to meet you
Me: nice to meet you too

Seungmin came in and stood beside me

Seungmin: I see you've met Han and Felix
Me: ....

I walked off to sit down. Seungmin gave Chris a confused face. I didn't wanna open up to Seungmin yet because he's the leader after all. Who knows what he has planned in that mysterious brain of his.

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