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Alana dreamed of Mattheo Riddle ever since that night. No matter how many times she tried to block him from her mind, he managed to sneak in. He made her dream horrible things. Torture, murder, blood, death and other terrible things that are too horrid to be spoken about. Mostly she woke up in a sweat but then there were days where she would scream and wake up.

So she started losing sleep and her health deteriorated. She knew that Riddle could sneak in any night. So she started sleeping with her wand and a knife under her pillow.

As the dreams got more horrid, she had been forced into telling the others about it. Soon the residents of Grimmauld Place had been stopped from going out. There was a lot of security, especially around Harry and Alana. The same night she told everyone about her dreams, an Order of the Phoenix meeting was held. Everyone consoled Alana and Mad-Eye even checked her. More protection charms were placed on the house. Every night she could feel someone watching over her, and she was certain that it was Sirius or Remus or Ellora after a few nights.

Her family was barely letting her out of their sights. Fred and George had their arms on her shoulders everywhere she went. Her Mum was always asking her for help in the kitchen and Alana was pretty sure that it was just to make sure that she wasn't getting into trouble. Her Dad had asked her everything about Riddle and how dangerous he was. Ginny and Hermione had started to sit near Alana even more than usual. Ron had tried teaching her how to defend herself but instead ended up embarrassing himself in front of everyone, when Alana back flipped him, and he landed over the couch. Harry would shoot her the occasional smiles. Even he knew how dangerous Riddle was since a lot of times, he had come to a near death confrontation with him.

One day, the siblings, Harry and Hermione were sitting together, talking about everything.

"What do you think Riddle wants with Alana?" Ginny asked.

"To kill me, torture me till I'm begging for death" Alana answered with a slight smile.

"How can you be smiling?" Hermione asked in horror.

"I think our dear sister is going crazy, Feorge" Fred said.

"I think that too, Gred" George agreed with him.

Alana ignored their comment. "Hermione, let him come. Let him come and see the worst of Alana Weasley" Alana answered with confidence in her voice.

"And how can you be so sure about that?" Ron asked this time.

"Because I'm prepared this time" Alana said and started flipping her wand.

Everyone looked at each other, most of then were sure that Alana had finally lost her marbles. "Alana, you do realize that the guy who is trying to kill you, he is Mattheo Riddle, brother of Voldemort right?" Harry asked, cautiously.

At that, Alana stopped flipping her wand and looked at all of them. Ginny was gulping and there was fear evident in all of their faces. "We're already enemies, how worse could it get? And Riddle is just one person. How much harm could he do to me?" Alana said, trying to mask her own anxiety. "He's just a Riddle".

But that one person had managed to flip Alana's whole world around and cause a lot of harm.


That night everything was quite. It was like the whole house was asleep, except Alana. She lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling. She couldn't sleep. She was afraid of the things Riddle would show her this time.

Suddenly she heard her window creak open. Someone was trying to enter. Or it's probably a bird, Alana thought. But still she went rigid, still and soundless. And grabbed her knife and put her wand in her pocket.

𝖀𝖓𝖈𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉- MATTHEO RIDDLE (hp)Where stories live. Discover now