T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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The next day, the whole Weasley family and Harry were in the Diagon Alley, buying textbooks and stuff for school and visiting Fred and George's shop.

There were amulets and crystals being sold in the streets with the slogans of them being able to fend off werewolves, inferni and dark souls.

Diagon Alley was like a dark, hollow place. There were too many shadows around the place. The owner of Florecan Fortescue and Ollivanders had been taken. Alana felt pity for the first years staring Hogwarts this year. She had gotten her own wand from there too, Alana look down at her dark brown wand.

Dragon heartstrings, Chestnut and Thestral Hair, The wand maker had said.

"Pity" Donna whispered from beside her.

"I know, the man was good" Alana commented, eyeing the empty wand shop.

"We all got our wands from him" Mason said, reminiscing.

"I feel bad for the first years" Peter told them.

Alana saw Harry, Ron and Hermione were coming out of Madam Malkin's with Hagrid. They all had an annoyed expression and scowls on their faces.

"What's up your asses?" Donna asked, noticing their pissed off expressions too.

"Just an encounter with Malfoy" Hermione answered, rolling her eyes.

"And his Mommy Dearest" Ron added.

"Let me guess, horrible as usual?" Alana said the obvious.

"Very" Hermione answered with a frustrated sigh.

Alana shook her head at that. Then she looked around, all her friends and the sixth year trio had gotten their stuff. Sometime later, she looked around the street, her focus falling on Mrs Weasley, bustling around the place with Ginny trailing behind her.

They then went into Eeylops. Alana and her friends except Eleanor, who had decided to drop Potions that year got stuff from there. And then it was time to go to Fred and George's shop.

The moment Alana entered the place she felt like it was like a mini wizarding amusement park. There were thing fizzling and flying around the whole place. The shop had the aesthetic of Gryffindors with things that were either in red or orange. The other colored things placed somewhere out of sight.

Alana glanced at Donna who was blushing terribly. Then her gaze went to Emmett, whose head was bent away, trying to look away from his ex. He looked like he wanted to disappear right then and there.

Alana's hand moved toward his, her pale one grasping his dark one. Emmett looked up at her with sadness gripping his face. She offered him a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand, letting him know that she's there. A small sad smile came on Emmett's face.

The other Weasleys that had come into the shop had now all disappeared, leaving Alana and her group alone. The six look at each other other, crazy smirks slipping onto their faces as they separated, running towards different sections of the shops.

Eleanor was running towards the Muggle Magic Tricks section. Peter, Donna trailing him walking towards the Trick Candies aisle. Mason and Emmett heading to the row where the dark stuff was kept, where Alana could also see Harry.

She noticed, that Rhiannon roamed around with Fred and George, a little notebook in her hand. Fred seemed especially keen to keep his girlfriend around him at all times. Now, everytime they came around to the Burrow, he brought her around. Her mom adored the green eyed girl and dotes around her alot.

Hermione and Ginny were in the love potion section and Harry was examining some black dust. Alana walked to the magical quills section.

Finally, George noticed her and strode off towards her as soon as he could. "Oh thank god, I didn't think I could've survived near the happy couple any longer" He groaned, pulling his sister into a hug. "I never thought the day would come where I wanted to run away from my best friend".

𝖀𝖓𝖈𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉- MATTHEO RIDDLE (hp)Where stories live. Discover now