T W E N T Y - T W O

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"Cornelius Fudge resigns" Alana states happily, looking at the Daily Prophet.

"Dolores Umbridge gets suspended" Eleanor says, peeking into the paper.

"He Who Must Not Be Named Returns" Donna reads out loud.

"Hogwarts Headmaster Reinstated" Peter finishes, a happy look on his face.

"Some good news finally" Alana states, chuckling.

"I just hope Umbridge is tortured and the next Minister of Magic is not a prick or ignorant" Emmett tells them. "The old one really had his head in his ass". All of them burst into laughter at that, making the people in the Great Hall looking weirdly at the group sitting at the Ravenclaw table.

But only a brown haired boy was looking at the red head laughing with adoration. Her laugh rang out in his head like bells would even though it was obnoxiously loud. Her hair fell on her face, her eyes crinkled a bit and her teeth were visible. He felt like he could watch her for eternity and he would never get bored.

Finally she caught his gaze, making her breath hitch in her throat when she saw him gorgeously and deviously smiling at her. She returned a shy smile back at him. He sent a wink her way and looked away.

Alana had never felt this way before. It was like every since their kiss; every word, every look and every action made them both feel a flutter in their heart and stomach. The spark that they had, had ignited into flames, tickling the edges of their hearts.

Alana finally tore her eyes away from the brunette and looked back at her friends. They were all busy in conversation, all except Mason. He was deep in thought. She patted his shoulder, in an adoring way. He looked at her and a slight smile came on his face. 

"So, sixth year is coming to end" Peter announced.

"Seventh year, here we come" Eleanor said softly.

She looked at the people and the place she had spent the last six years of her life with. The people who had become like family to her, the castle that had become a second home to her. So this was all coming to end in just another year.

"We're going to smash it, aren't we?" Alana asked, gently.

"That we are" Mason answered.

"We're going to have hell loads of fun" Donna joined in.

"Even though the next year is going to be even more dangerous" Emmett pointed out.

"Not going to let that ruin it" Alana finished with determined look.

She saw something. Eleanor was looking at Peter with a sweet smile. Mason had winked at Daphne Greengrass, making her blush. Emmett and Donna held hands under the table.

Everything was perfect.


Later, Alana and Donna were in the library, chatting and returning the books they had borrowed during the term. It was something they did on the last night of the term.

The scene from earlier that day came into Alana's mind.

"Don, can I ask you a question?" Alana asked, putting books into the shelf.

"Sure" Donna answered, passing the books to Alana.

"What do you feel about Fred?" Alana asked, looking straight into Donna's eyes.

Donna took a moment to answer and her eyes blinked a bit. "Nothing" She said, looking away.

"You're lying" Alana said,  then she reached out and put her hand on Donna's. When Donna looked at her, her eyes were slightly glossy and her eyes were big.

𝖀𝖓𝖈𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉- MATTHEO RIDDLE (hp)Where stories live. Discover now