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"Dad's in trouble?" She asked, puzzled.

After all, it must've been late and finding Mattheo Riddle in her dorm was a surprise. She looked around, Donna and all her roommates were fast asleep. Then she looked back at him, he was covered in blood, some of it spilling onto the carpet.

"Yes" He answered, wiping the blood off his lower lip.

"How do you know that?" She asked once again.

"Haven't you heard, Weasley? Curiosity killed the cat?" Riddle asking, tongue in his cheek now, scanning her appearance.

"Just answer the fucking question, Riddle" She demanded.

He weaved a hand trough his hair in frustration, looking around. Then he looked back at her and let out a frustrated sigh. "Nagini, my brother's pet snake, she attacked him as he kept a watch over the Department of Mysteries" He informed.

Alana let out a gasp and her hand flew to her mouth. "The moment I heard, I got there. I managed to help your father, but he's still very injured".

She looked at him, with wide eyes. Mattheo Riddle, helped her dad? From his own brother's attack? "Why'd you do it?" She asked, gulping.

He looked confused. "Why'd I do what?" He asked.

"You helped my father from an attack, from an attack your brother orchestrated" She told him, pointing her finger at him. 

In that moment, Mattheo wanted to give her the real reason. The reason he had done everything. The reason he had been monitoring and protecting her for six years now. The reason he had spared her so many times. The reasons he always purposely picked an argument with her. The reason he had stayed that night at the Astronomy Tower with her. The reason he had started giving her defense lessons. The reason he had destroyed Umbridge's office. The reason he had joined Potter's stupid club for. The reason he had saved her father, even after knowing that he would get punished from his brother.

But the moment he opened his mouth, he heard footsteps. "I just happened to be there" He said and looked back. The footsteps were getting closer and from the expression on Alana's face, she had heard them too.

"I need to go, someone's coming" He said and disappeared. 

A moment later, she heard someone falling down the stairs. She ran outside the dormitory, only to see a fallen Eleanor clutching his head

"Alana" He looked at her, already awake.

"Why're you up?" He asked.

"I wanted water and heard you falling down- why'd you try to enter the dormitory?"

"Professor McGonagall wants you in Dumbledore's office right now- it's your father" He told her and let Alana go back inside to put on her black cloak.

Then he clasped his hand around her wrist and pulled her out of the dorm.

"Wait, I thought boys weren't allowed in girls' dormitories" Alana said, climbing down the stairs.

"Considering the situation, Professor Flitwick said it was fine" He informed her and soon they were out of the Ravenclaw common room.

"Will you be able to go from here?" He asked, his hands on her elbows and he was looking at her.

"I'm not a first year, Eleanor" She told him. Eleanor just looked at her for a moment and pulled her in for a hug.

"Be safe, Weasley" He whispered into her hair.

"You know I will" She told him and pulled back. Then she ran to Dumbledore's office.

𝖀𝖓𝖈𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉- MATTHEO RIDDLE (hp)Where stories live. Discover now