F O R T Y - T W O

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Alana was faced with a big dark room. There was so much clutter everywhere, wardrobes, chairs and pieces of furniture and things that were now forgotten faced her. Books and spare things and woodwork- there was barely any space left for them to move around. What was this place?

Yeah sure, it had been a year since the red head had been to the Room of Requirement- mostly because she didn't have a need for the room anymore. The room was cluttered to the brim now, but during the meetings for the Dumbledore's Army, they'd had alot of space. They also had the things that they needed- things like mirrors or dummies to practice on. 

It seemed like a place where students stored away things and forgot them- or maybe they wanted to forget them. After all, that was the primary function of the room- to give the user what they wanted the most at the moment. And maybe the owners of all these things here needed a hideout. Things that people hid and then forgot about, later. She wondered if perhaps she could leave the boy with her here and forget of his existence as soon as she left the room. 

She turned around to see an alarmed expression on the raven haired boy's face. Mattheo was instantly on his guard- almost as if he knew this room. Like he'd seen this clutter of forgotten things before. 

"Have you been here before?" She asked quietly, an eyebrow raised. 

He cast one uninterested look at her at her as if she was a fly on his clothes. "Who hasn't?"

"No, I specifically mean this room- not the one we held the meetings for Dumbeldore's Army in. I mean this specific room" She questioned. 

His eyebrow twitched. "None of your fucking business" He muttered. 

Her mouth fell open at that as she let out an unbelievable laugh. "You're so unbelievable- Merlin!" She exclaimed, shaking her head. "Bipolar asshole".

"Oh, I'm the asshole, am I?" He asked, hand splayed out. "You dragged me in here with you". 

"To save both our asses, goddamit! Did you really want to spend the last few days of your last year in detention, scrubbing trophies and floors for Filch?" She argued. 

"I'd rather spend an entire month scrubbing the entire castle than spend another minute in here with you!" He yelled before storming over towards the exit. 

"I'm not getting into trouble because of you-" She exclaimed, running towards him. To stop him, she knocked him into one of the walls with her body. 

Her body didn't revolt like it usually did with other people. Maybe because it started to get used to him- his touch, his body. Mattheo Riddle. As she looked up at his wild brown eyes, she remembered the ache in her heart. Looking at him hurt

"Get off me" He says in low tone. A tone ten times more dangerous than when he was yelling. 

"You're gonna get us into trouble. You may not have friends, Riddle, but I do- and I would like to spend the rest of my year with them. I'm not letting you leave until Filch and Mrs Norris go away" She says, her nostrils flaring because of the anger storm brewing within her. 

"Weasley- if you haven't noticed, I'm not one of your little friends. I'm not Shacklebolt, or Nott, or Lovegood, or Brown-"

"You think I haven't noticed that?!" She screams. "You're not my friend- you're my bloody ex boyfriend. I realize that, I realize that as of now, I hold no claim over you- nothing. But I'm trying to save both of our skins, because believe it or not- once upon a time, not so long ago, we meant something to each other".

He let out an evil smirk at the word ex boyfriend- a monster peeking through. "It's a good thing you realized" He drawls out a in a lazy tone as he relaxes under her touch. Flicking a strand of red hair away from her face, he stared down at her. "You didn't mean anything to me. Whatever we had- that's over now, thankfully. It was a fling- something to keep me occupied and you under my protection. It was all under the influence of the moment- you weren't anything special".

𝖀𝖓𝖈𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉- MATTHEO RIDDLE (hp)Where stories live. Discover now