T H I R T Y - F I V E

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Blaise Zabini zoomed through the air as he chased the Quaffle. Hazel Zaviers, his cousin let out a cheer from the air in favor of her cousin.

The magical ball was passed through the Gryffindor and snatched by the Slytherin players. All of them chased it as the houses fought over the ball. The Quaffle fell into the hands of a Slytherin player as he passed it onto the Gryffindor hoops.

Inches away from passing through the hoops, the ball was passed back as Ron tossed it back into the gamed. Cheers from the Gryffindors filled the stadium as they cheered for their Keeper.

"That's my brother!" Alana roared from the Ravenclaw stands and almost jumped into the air. Donna had to pull her down in order to keep her from jumping out of the stands and onto the pitch. 

The Ron on the pitch had been very different from the one that had sat in Great Hall, refusing to eat anything. He saved every single Quaffle from going in through the hoops and Alana was vaguely reminded of Oliver Wood. 

The Slytherin players were confused, opposed to the Ron they had sung, Weasley is Our King to, this Ron was something else entirely. He didn't miss any throws and he definitely wasn't their king. Even Mason stopped and looked, which almost cost him a Quaffle. 

The most amusing thing to see the moment when Emmett had thrown in a Quaffle into the Slytherin hoops and their Keeper and another player had hit the hoops, trying to stop and score and had been knocked off their expensive brooms. 

The faces of the Slytherin watchers were even more entertaining to watch. Violet looked incredibly disappointed at the way her twin played and everytime Theodore had managed to missed a bludger very closely, she winced so much that Rowan had to put his arm around the blonde.

Her blue eyes spotted Briar Grimaldi, the 'it girl' of Hogwarts and Blaise Zabini's perfect girlfriend. Briar was truly beautiful with her hair drawn back into a ponytail and her tar like black eyes shining with pride and worry at the same time. Her plump lips seemed to be whispering something like a prayer. The girl didn't seem as disappointed when her boyfriend had almost been hit by a bludger compared to when Adrian Pucey had almost missed a Quaffle flying straight for his face.

Now that she thought about it, she had heard rumors of Briar and Adrian being incredibly close and flirty before she'd started dating Blaise in her fifth year. She still heard rumors of Briar and Adrian seen in close proximity behind the greenhouses. 

Her eyes finally spotted at the person her heart longed for. When she saw him, her heart literally felt like leaping out of her ribcage and giving Mattheo a big hug. But his eyes weren't on her. For the past few weeks, they never seemed to be on her.

Was he not attracted to her anymore?

But then, almost instantly, his eyes found her. And her beating heart found some kind of peace and solace. He had this effect on her- and it had started to grow as they spent more time together. His dark circles seemed worse and his eyes were distracted even when they were looking at her.

She sent him a smile, trying to hide the sadness that her own eyes seemed to be possessing at the sight of her distraught boyfriend. He was as usual surrounded by his best friends. Jacob, Enzo and Odeya. The brown haired girl sent Alana a small smile before her eyes went back to the game. 

The smile that Mattheo gave her back was not at all convincing as it didn't reach his beautiful eyes like it usually did when he saw her. But not wanting to kill her mood over her unusually sad boyfriend, she looked back at the game. 

The Slytherin players lined up together before Adrian prepared to throw the Quaffle at one of the hoops. Alana's fingers were crossed, as much as she loved Mason and Theodore and she was all for the girl power Hazel showed, Adrian Pucey was the best player on the team. He gave Ellora Black some serious competition. 

𝖀𝖓𝖈𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉- MATTHEO RIDDLE (hp)Where stories live. Discover now