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Alana gripped Peter's elbow and pulled him along.

"Reducto!" She shouted and a wall flew apart. "Peter go, she can't find you" She said and pushed him out. He looked back at her, she shook her head and gave him a smile.

Then turning back, she looked at the crowd, "RUN!" She bellowed, beckoning at the wall blown apart.

Many students ran out. But her main focus was on a certain brunette, and she finally spotted him.

She gripped his hand and pulled him towards the hole. "What do you think you're doing, Weasley?" He snarled.

"Umbridge can't find out about you" She said and stopped right in front of the blown apart wall.


"Because I was the one who got you into this mess and I'm going to be the one who gets you out of it" She said, simply staring up at him.

"I'm not running out like some coward, Weasley" He sad, grabbing her elbow and pulling her away from the exit. "I'll go down with a fight".

She left his hold and went to stand between her siblings. The wall covered by a mirror had been blown apart, and a hole was there. Harry and Nigel were examining it. She looked around and saw only a few of the DA members were still there.

Sometime later, the wall blew apart and behind it was Umbridge, Filch and the Inquisitorial Squad. Draco Malfoy was grabbing Marietta Edgecomb's robe harshly. So she was the one who sold them out.

They were glaring evilly at all of them. "Get them" Umbridge commanded and the Inquisitorial Squad fell on them. Maybe if they run quickly, they could get away.

Millicent Bullstrode pounced on Alana and pressed Alana's body against hers. Alana's ticks went off and she started trashing, getting very uncomfortable with the touching. "Stop it" Millicent growled lowly at her.

Mattheo could see the way Millicent was treating Alana, he pulled his wand out and started walking towards them. But was stopped by Dolohov stepping in front of him. "Where do you think you're going, Riddle?" Dolohov taunted, he turned and looked where Mattheo was glaring.

"Trying to save the girlfriend, are we?" He grabbed Mattheo's arm and twisted it. Mattheo started fighting against his grip.

"Got one, Professor Umbridge!" Dolohov yelled.

"Is that Mister Riddle?" Umbridge asked, observing the trapped Riddle. "Never thought you would become a part of this, but I guess people can be very wrong".

Alana looked around the room. Malfoy had a hold on Mason while his friend, Zabini held down Eleanor. His friends Crabbe and Goyle both had to hold Emmett back. Donna was struggling against Pansy Parkinson. All her siblings were captured too. 

Umbridge strode towards Harry and said something to him about Fudge being in Dumbledore's office and took him out.


It had been sometime since Harry had been taken and they were all waiting. Even though none of the members of the Inquisitorial Squad did anything to them, everyone was on their guard.

Sometime later, everyone was coming out of Dumbledore's office. Kingsley Shacklebolt; Emmett's father, Professor McGonagall, Cornelius Fudge and Percy Weasley were in that group. The moment Alana saw her brother, she jumped up and dashed to him.

"Percy!" She exclaimed. When her brother heard her voice, he stopped and turned to see her.

Percy had left the family after Mr Weasley had told him that Fudge was using him to spy on them but Percy did not believe them and left, cutting all ties with the family, choosing the Ministry over his family. It didn't matter to Alana, he was her brother and he would believe her.

𝖀𝖓𝖈𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉- MATTHEO RIDDLE (hp)Where stories live. Discover now