T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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The train ride back was not something that Alana could remember very well, as she slept the entire time. Oh, and remembering the sweet kiss that she had been given by Mattheo. He'd called it an early Christmas gift and smiled at her while pushing the hair out of her face. 

She had been shaken awake by Mason and after that, she'd looked in her pocket mirror to make sure that her friends hadn't done something to her face while she had been asleep. Then, she had gotten out of the train and onto the platform. 

Only to be pulled into a hug by two really tall redheads. "Oh, how we missed you, baby sister!" George's voice boomed from above her, where she was being crushed into his chest. 

"Hey, baby sister being crushed here" She managed to huff out through her squished position. 

"No, we care too much about you to be worried that we are crushing you" Fred said. 

"Mom!" She tried to yell as she heard her best friend chuckle behind her. "Mason, you prick, stop enjoying this so much".

Finally, when they seemed have had enough, they let go of her. She patted her chest, as if trying to get air and ventilation back into her lungs.

"You two tried to kill me!" She accused, glaring at the twins.

"No we didn't" George said. "That is a terrible allegation to put on your caring and lovely old brothers".

"What has gotten into you two?" She asked, scoffing.

"Oh, they were around the fumes of those funky potions while making their products, it's gotten to their heads" Rhiannon said, stepping out from behind them and engulfing her in a hug. Now, being hugged by her brother's girlfriend was much more pleasant. Rhiannon smelled of pine and a little bit of farm as well.

"How is school? I miss it" She asked, smiling.

And there was something about Rhiannon's smile that made her so beautiful. The pleasant way she talked, her long and straight black hair, the soft curves by the side of her torso, the green eyes and freckles- she was so beautiful. And her smile- that made her understand why her brother was crazy over the girl. 

The moment Rhiannon Griffiths smiled, you knew that nothing in the world could ever go wrong. That everything was sunshines and daisies and the flowers and butterflies and everything was sweet just like her smile. She wanted her to be smiling at her always. 

"School has been nice" Alana nodded as the girl went on to hug Harry and Ginny. When she approached Ron for a hug, he glanced at Fred, who was smirking. But he went in for it anyway. "How is it working with my dingus of brothers?"

"Incredibly pleasant, you know, since she's working with her boyfriend that she loves very much" Fred said, smirking as he threw an arm around her. 

"Hey! She is my best friend first, stop forgetting that part" George complained. 

"Where are mom and dad, how come they didn't come pick us up?" Alana asked. 

"They had some work" Was all Fred and George said, which was all they had to say and for them to understand. 


The Weasley house a circus on Christmas. So many people, plus a girlfriend and a fiancee, plus friends was recipe for chaos in a wizard house. 

Her mother had invited so many people. There was Lupin, Tonks, Ellora and Oliver. Lupin and Tonks looked all tired and sad, and somehow, over the times Alana had met Tonks lately, she'd always been sad and gloomy. Not at all like the girl she had met last year. Lupin, was trying to ignore Tonks and was so agitated all of a sudden. He was also easily irritable. 

𝖀𝖓𝖈𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉- MATTHEO RIDDLE (hp)Where stories live. Discover now