T W E N T Y - N I N E

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TW: Sensitive topic and Sexual assault mention ahead

It was late and Alana was in the hallways, out of her dormitory, hoping to not get caught by teachers or prefects or any one else. Well, she didn't caught as she stayed in the wraps of the shadows and pillars.

When she finally reached the place and opened the door, she saw candles all around the place. Alana let out an unbelievable laugh at the sight. The flames on the candles were constantly flickering because of the cold air. The only source of non flickering light was the moonlight pouring in.

"How is it, m'lady?" Mattheo's voice asked from somewhere behind her. 

Alana turned, a full smile on her face. Her blue eyes searching for him in the dark before he appeared himself. Wearing a grey t shirt over a black full sleeved t shirt and black pants, a half smirk already there.

"It's lovely, really, but I thought that this was only going to be a normal night-"

"Sorry to disappoint you but, this is a date. An official date" He interrupted.

"Oh yeah, a date, because people have dates in their sleeping clothes and towers" She mocked, looking around.

"I never got to take you on a date, we just- got together" He told her, taking her hand.

"Do you think we're going too fast?" He asked, looking at her in the eye, serious.

"Honestly, I wouldn't know. You're my first boyfriend but if you were taking my pants off right now, that would be going too fast" She answered, making him laugh.

Alana noticed that his laugh was raspy and low and deep. She also noticed how rarely he would let out one.

 "So, what are we going to do?" She asked.

"I got something" He replied, whipping out books from behind.

"You got books!" She exclaimed, taking one from his hand. 

When she saw the cover, she looked up at him in bewilderment to only see him smirking back at her. "Romeo and Juliet" She says, softly.

"I've never read it, to be honest. Just, heard about it" He confessed. "I thought maybe we could read together".

"That would be very cool" She agreed with him softly. 


"So you're telling me, that first, she pretended to die and then when he sees her, he kills himself. And when she wakes up and finds him dead, she kills herself?" He asked, puzzled. "And with the same dagger".

"Yeah, it's pure romance" Alana chirped, closing the book.

"Juliet should've at least cleaned the dagger, their blood must've mixed together" Mattheo stated, a bit disgusted.

Alana let out a small laugh. "You shouldn't have compared that to us" He told her.

"But we're from different sides!" She whined. "Don't forget that we aren't supposed to be together".

"But here we are" He said, gesturing to their surroundings. Both of them were under the same orange quilt, sitting side by side against the wall and hands intertwined underneath the quilt.

Alana looked up at him with an adoring smile before moving closer. "Tell me- more about your home" She said.

"What?" He asked, looking at her.

"Yeah, tell me about your home life, your brother, the places you live. I want to know".

"It's complicated and problematic"

𝖀𝖓𝖈𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉- MATTHEO RIDDLE (hp)Where stories live. Discover now