F O R T Y - T H R E E

272 11 16

Alana woke up to an unfamiliar bed and a headache. It didn't look like any room in Hogwarts or her dormitory. It was cold and strange, with white curtains drawn around her plush bed. Her hand went to move them away, only to find herself in shackles. Letting out a gasp, she looked at her legs to see them chained as well. 

A sharp shriek left her as she jumped off the bed. At least her shackles allowed her to do so, they were long but didn't give her much to move around. Her eyes scoured the room- it was cold and green, devoid of any windows or decoration. The dark green walls resembled a forest and they were bare- no patterns there. The room was empty with an uncanny resemblance of a prison cell.

Where was I? She thought.

And most importantly, how'd she ever gotten out of Hogwarts in the first place?

What had happened? After Mattheo had left her, she distinctly remembered slipping into an unconscious state because of the panic attack his response and her crying had sent her spiralling into. At the thought of the black haired boy- tears threatened to fall down her eyes at any moment. 

One problem at a time.

First, she'd have to figure out where the fuck she was. And why the hell did she have shackles over her legs and hands? Who had kidnapped her and managed to get out of Hogwarts- undetected? Her mind was muddled. 

Patting down to her sides, her hand went into her boots, trying to feel the familiar handles of her daggers. When nothing came up in her hands, her skin grew cold. They'd been stripped from her. 

"What the actual fuck?" She muttered, hands falling to her hair, realizing that even her wand had been taken from her. Her hands slid into her sweater sleeves, trying to find out if the tiny daggers she kept there had been taken as well. 

"That's pretty pointless, Miss Weasley".

The voice made Alana whirl around as she came face to face with a pair of brown eyes. Brown eyes almost identical to the one's that her ex lover possessed. Where his atleast used to have a fire blazing in them, these ones were cold- devoid of anything except murky depths. Tom Riddle stared back at her with a smug expression on his face and ridiculously perfect hair. 

Her arms pulled at her shackles. "What have you done to me?" She seethes. "Why the fuck have you brought me here?"

"That was just a necessary precaution- one that you'll have to forgive me for. Perhaps, if you learn how to behave better, they will be removed from you" He spoke like he was explaining something to a child. 

"Oh, I'll show you better behavior-" Alana threatens as she tries to throw a dagger at him, only to realize that she doesn't have them anymore. Her eyes fall to her hands. "What have you done to my daggers and wand, Riddle?"

He didn't even bother saying anything as he sat down on one of the chairs. Then, with his hands joined at his lap, he stared at her. "If you think that raging and screaming at me like you do with my brother will work, I'm going to tell you right now that it won't. While we might have many similarities, we are not at all alike. I don't slack off on work, for one". 

Alana pursed her lips like a stubborn child and crossed her arms over her chest. Rage still seething inside of her, she just glared at him. "I didn't bring you here as ransom or leverage- if you're wondering" He started. "I brought you here for your own safety"


"A necessary evil" He dismissed with a wave of his hand. "I would like to have one of my most prized possessions near me as hard times approach. I don't want anything happening to you in the times that come ahead- I need to keep you safe, protected. And since it seems like my brother proves incapable of doing such a simple task without leaving you to burst into tears, I'll have to take it upon me".

𝖀𝖓𝖈𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉- MATTHEO RIDDLE (hp)Where stories live. Discover now