T H I R T Y - S E V E N

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"Whom are you taking to Slughorn's party?" Alana asked, looking at Emmett as they sat in the Gryffindor common room, trying to complete homework before their Transfiguration lesson next period. 

"I thought we were going together" He said, looking up from his parchment. Even Mason looked up at that, smirking a bit.

Alana felt her stomach drop, making her purse her lips together. "I didn't know-" 

"But we're friends, going together would've been the best decision!" Emmett sighed. "Whatever, as long as you haven't asked anyone yet-"

Her expression made him open his mouth in horror, accusingly, he looked at her. "Who is it?"


Emmett glared at his brown haired friend who was enjoying the show and hadn't said a word. "You asshole".

"You live in delusion, you lose, Emmett baby".

"I'm going to fucking kill you-"

"Stop!" Alana whisper yelled. "Stop acting like a pack of sore lovers fighting over a girl".

"But whom will I go with, now?!" Emmett exclaimed. "Slughorn will think I'm gay or something".

"You duffer, if you haven't noticed it, you've got an entire army of girls wanting to get with you" Mason pointed out. "You have more girls trailing after you than Fred Weasley did".

"Bullshit" Emmett muttered. 

"Mate, if you believe that, I think you're fucking blind" Alana said, patting his shoulder. "Find yourself a pretty girl and take her".

"Yeah, or maybe a friend" Mason advised. 

"Want me to ask Lola or Annie for you?" Alana offered. 

"Do I look like Ron to you who has to ask his friend to find him a date?" Emmett joked, making Mason snort and Alana scowl. 

"Don't bring him into this" She warned. "Not everyone is blind enough to not see the army of girls that want them".

"But he's blind enough to not see the girl who's liked him since they were kids" Mason whispered. 

The three of them raised their heads and looked at the fireplace, where Ron and Lavender locked in what looked like a kiss that was suffocating her brother.

"Maybe I should go and separate them before they suffocate each other and die" Alana muttered. The three of them grimaced before looking away. 

Ron and Lavender had gotten together after the Gryffindor party, much to the disappointment of Hermione. Alana didn't approve of the couple either, well she didn't approve of Ginny and Dean for that matter either, but who was she to talk when she was dating Voldemort's younger brother?

"How can he not see that Hermione likes him?" Emmett wonders. 

"Because he likes her too" Alana said. "But is too daft to realize it and too insecure to hope that she might like him back".

"Either of them tell you that?" Mason asked. "Or was it that genius brain of yours that figured it out?"

"Mason, be real right now. Hermione comes over every summer and it's pretty easy for a person to confess about their feelings when they're up at one in the morning, talking about boys and are incredibly sleepy".

"I can't believe that that's Peter's younger sister" Emmett said, disgust in his tone. 

"Yeah, I'm a little worried that he might learn a lesson or two from Lavender and we'll find him jumping upon Eleanor and pulling him into a strangling make out session" Mason said, shivering a little. 

𝖀𝖓𝖈𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉- MATTHEO RIDDLE (hp)Where stories live. Discover now