F O R T Y - F O U R

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Mattheo's steps were thunderous as he forcesd his way into the Malfoy Manor's living room. Alana Weasley had been missing from her classes and dormitory for almost a week now. No one could find her and the Aurors were troubled. No one knew where she'd been seen last and the parents were in uproar- worried about the safety of their own children now that a student had been taken so casually. The Weasleys were in distress as they demanded for their girl back, Dumbledore was hounded with questions of safety and reliability.

She'd last been seen scampering out of Slughorn's class in a hurry. No one knew whom she'd been with last. But he did. She'd been with him last. In the room where there was a particular Vanishing Cabinet that was being repaired to accommodate a surprise attack. 

It didn't take a genius to fill the holes.

The rage had reached his head, as he fumed into the room. Why hadn't they told him? Why did they have to take her? Even if he was no longer close to her, he was keeping her safe. Several death eaters came at him, only for them to be blown away with a single flick of his wand.

He burst into the room where he knew his brother usually held meetings. Faces flew to look at him as his brother still harbored a bored look on his face.

 "Where the fuck is she?" He fumes, eyes with filled to the brim with anger. "What the fuck did you to her?"

"She's safe, little brother" Tom replies in a frustrating calm tone. "We're keeping her safe- especially for what's about to come. Something that you haven't been able to do".

"The fuck does that mean? I was doing my job, I was keeping her safe, making sure nothing happened to her!" He yells.

"Judging by the state we picked her up in, she seemed plenty upset with you. You abandoned her in that room, where anyone could have come in and swooped her away" Bellatrix laughed. "You left her in that vulnerable state".

"When you mess things up that horribly, I can't expect anything out of you. I have to take things into my hands" Tom says, the tone implying that the conversation was over.

But it was far from to Mattheo as he glared at his brother. "Give her back" He says, his tone deadly quiet. "You give her back to me".

Tom laughs as if amused. "You hurt her feelings. You left her there- you can't ask me that. You should be grateful I'm not peeling you skin off your back, so get away from my eyes before I do something horrid".

Mattheo was far from finishing talking, but he felt two presences by his side, flanking him. He saw two death eathers, ready to take him away at just a command. The veins in his neck felt like bursting and he imagined he must be really fucking red at the time.

But he still had words to spew. "You give her back to me!" He shouts, anger seeping through his bones as if ready to burst out any moment. "Give her back, you monster!"

There were suddenly four people on him, grabbing him by the torso, the arms, everywhere, binding her hands away so that he wasn't able to reach his wand. Anger still fueled him, running through his veins. He just wanted her back. Why was he such an idiot?

Why hadn't he told her that he loved her back? What if he never saw her again? He still remembered her glossy blue eyes pleading with him. Asking him to love her back. It was etched onto his mind. I can't hide it anymore, Mattheo Riddle. I love you. Her voice was a holy ghost, still haunting his mind. He still remembered every tone, every drop of it. 

What if he was never able to tell her that he loved her just as she loved him? Maybe even more. Why did he repeatedly continue to be such a massive tosser?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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