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Footsteps thud against the marble floor as Alana rushes into the Ravenclaw Tower. Tears leak down her face as she tried to wipe them away before anyone has the chance to catch a glimpse of them.  

As she rushed into her common room, she realised that luck didn't like working in her favor as she saw all her friends gathered around the fireplace and they joked around, making her stop dead in her tracks. 

She wiped furiously at her face, even though her heart couldn't stop aching. Why did it have to hurt so bad? Somehow, managing a smile on her face, she walked towards them, tugging her sleeves onto her palm.

"What took you so long?" Donna asks, as she wraps the red head into her side. 

"You know Riddle, he's impossible to talk to" Eleanor chips in, sitting languidly on the armchair. "I can't even fathom how anyone is able to hold a conversation with him before trying to kill themselves". 

Everything was such a blur. Her heart was hurting. It hurt to sit there, pretending that everything was alright. It hurt to cry. It hurt to not cry. It hurt to exist. Knowing that he wanted nothing to do with her anymore. It hurt to look at her friends laughing, when it was actually one of her favorite things in the world to do. 

Her heart felt like it was bleeding, so broken as it was starting to embed itself into her veins and every part of her. As if her heartbreak was causing the ache in various parts of her body. She didn't even know when she'd started to shake. 

"And he's so impossibly arrogant, walking around like he owns the dam place" Mason snorted. The expression on his face was cruel and Alana felt her eyes rimmed with tears. 

"As if! Did you look at the way demanded that Alana come with him, as if he was her master and owned every part of her-" Emmett had started until the red head realized she was filled to the brim. 

"Do you guys ever shut up about Riddle?!" She yelled out, her body starting to shake. Her friends looked appalled at her reaction. "Riddle's this and he's that- gods, why is everyone so obsessed with him?"

She'd stood up by now and her eyes had grown to the size of mountains. "It's always Riddle this and Riddle that- as if he's this perfect little person that should have every second and minute detail of his life observed and judged. Merlin, what's so special about him?!"

"Alana-" Peter started, trying to get her to calm down.


All of her friends shot a look at each other, especially Donna, as they saw a hysterical Alana mak a scene in the middle of the Ravenclaw common room with no care in the world. She was a girl gone wild. 

"His eyes..." She trailed off as her eyes started leaking with tears. "Those haunting, dark eyes that can penetrate every piece of me with just a look and figure what's wrong and what's right with me". 

And then, she broke. She melted into Donna's embrace as her friend tried to hold her. Tears were leaking down from her blue eyes and her body shook with the force of the sobs that left her. 

Her entire world was spinning and it wouldn't stop- that's the one thing she remembered. The pain wouldn't stop as she felt her heart break. Her best friend clutched her close as she broke there like porcelain. 

 "Alana..." Her raven haired friend cooed. 

"Al- what's wrong?" Mason asked, and his voice sounded so close.

When she looked up from Donna's lap, she saw all of her friends huddled close to her as if to listen to what she had to say and that too, desperately. Mason stroked her red hair with a gentle hand. Eleanor was pouring water into a glass of her and Emmett looked scary as if he would hunt down whatever had hurt his friend at that moment. And Peter- he looked like he was on the verge of tears. 

Eleanor handed her the glass of water as she soon drank it down in a gulp. Her hands shakily went to wipe at her eyes. She imagined what a wreck she must've looked like. Tear trails down her cheeks and her red hair a mess. 

She took a deep breath and told them everything. The kiss, Mattheo burning down Umbridge's office for her, him asking her to be his girlfriend, the ring that she twiddled in her hands, the nights hidden away in the Astronomy Tower, the secrets- all the things they did to hide their relationship from the world. Only for it to crumble before it could see even some bit of light. 

Then she crumbled right into Donna's arms. "The worst part was- I fell in love with a monster, an enemy. And I never got to tell him that" She sobbed, fat tears dripping down her neck. 

"I never got to tell him that I love him".

It was scary to admit that out loud. It was even scarier that she realized that he was no longer her's. Her's to love, her's to hold and care for, her's to kiss, no more was he her's. Her heart was collapsing in on itself and it hurt, that's mostly all she could feel. Pain.

Worst part was- she remembered everything so distinctly. His lips, his eyes, his hands, his scars- everything. She missed him so much and she would choke on his scent of cigarette and too strong cologne willingly. Especially his voice beckoned to her as her heart broke in two.

Fire bird.

"Gods, Alana, why didn't you ever tell us about this- all this?" Donna asked softly. 

"A secret doesn't become lighter if it's shared" The red head whispered. "We'd agreed that we'd keep everything a secret and we intended to keep it that way. If anyone found out, everything would've gone away. But it doesn't matter now, because it all fell apart anyway".

There was silence for a while but she could feel the looks of her guy friends. Finally, Mason broke the pause, "But Mattheo Riddle, really, Alana? The brother of an evil genius mass murderer. The guy who actively seeks to end the world- that guy's brother? Why him?"

Like a whip, her head shot up. "Who do you think you are?!" She seethes. "Why are you telling me about whom I'm dating- I'm very well aware of whom I was dating, thank you so much".

"We're looking out for you, Weasley" Emmett chipped in. "We're stopping you from getting your heart broken. We aren't some random people- we're best friends. We're family and this is what family does- it looks out for you". 

"And we tell the truth, no matter how bitter or painful it can get. We love you, that's why we're telling you that it wasn't a good idea to date such a horrible jerk who enjoys hurting people" Eleanor said, fiddling with his hands. 

"We don't want to see you hurt and we are ready to kick anyone's ass who ever dares to do so. It's because we love you, Alana. Probably more than any boy ever could" Peter finishes, as he pulls her into a big hug, squeezing her. 

Soon, all her friends start closing into her, wrapping themselves around her as they form quite a big circle. It warmed her broken heart and brought a broke smile to her lips. In that moment, she hated Mattheo for breaking her heart but she loved her friends more for trying to make it a whole once again. 

"I love him, I did. And when he was with me, he wasn't much of a monster as he was a lover. He was human then, or maybe just pretending to be". 

Finally an update 😱😱. I feel like Mattheo and Alana are very imgonnagetyouback and i can see you coded.

Xoxo, Jenna

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