T W E N T Y - O N E

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"Alana Weasley, I've wanted to be the one to kill you since a long time" A voice came out from behind her as Alana stepped into the light. It was Antonin Dolohov, father of a very evil spawn.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Dolohov" She said, pointing her wand and knife at him.

Dolohov had opened his mouth to shoot a spell at the sixteen year old but before that a spell shot out of her wand, "Incarcerous". Dolohov fell down, bound in tight ropes.

But before Alana could take another step, a hand shot out and pulled her behind a rock. When Alana looked at the person, it was Mattheo and his mask was on his head. "What the fuck, Alana?" He exclaimed.

Alana batted her eyelashes up at him. "What?" She asked innocently.

"I asked you to escape when you had the chance" He told her, groaning in frustration. 

"You can't expect me to put my tail between my legs and escape while all my friends are still here, Mattheo" She reasoned with him, looking at him intensely in the eye.

"But if you get hurt, I will go insane and my brother will go crazy" He said.

"I can take care of myself", Alana crossed her arms.

"I've seen how you can take care of yourself", Mattheo scoffed.

The girl and the boy just stared into each other, having an intense staring battle. Finally, with a groan and pulling at his hair in frustration, Mattheo gave in. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her in for a small kiss.

"If you weren't so fucking irresistible, the outcome would've been different" He growled at her.

She sweetly smiled at him and pulled him for another kiss before letting go. Mattheo took hold of her wrist and pulled his mask back on his face. He pulled her behind another rock, Alana could see the rest of the DA members behind it. "You can stay but behind this rock, safe" He whispered and pushed her there. She hit Neville's shoulder accidentally.

"Mat-" She started but before he could even finish, he had disappeared into a trail of black smoke. Alana looked back at the people behind her. Neville was staring at her. She smiled at him and stood beside him.

"You were very brave today, Neville" She told him.

"Thank you" Neville said softly and Alana put a hand on his shoulder with reassurance.

She could see that the death eaters were more than the Order of the Phoenix. But all of them being very skilled handled all of them. In front of the veil, she could see Malfoy, Sirius and Harry fighting.

Sirius and Harry were duelling against Malfoy. Finally, Harry disarmed Malfoy, which made Sirius's work easier. He hit Malfoy with a stunning spell and knocked him out.

Out of nowhere Bellatrix Lestrange came out. "Avada Kedavra!" She shot the killing curse at Sirius. For a second, everything slowed down and Alana's vision became a bit clouded. Harry was looking everywhere in worry.

And from somewhere beside her, she heard a pop! And a ear splattering scream was ringing out in the air. A sad, tragic scream that seemed like a warning.

Alana, with her ears covered looked at the brown haired girl who was screaming her lungs out in a supernatural way as tears sprung out of her blue eyes. For the first time, she was Ellora Black cry.

"Why is she screaming?" Eleanor asked, hands clasped tightly over his ears as he winced.

The wail continued as the veil succumbed Sirius into it, and it stopped when he disappeared. Ellora Black had fallen to the floor, distressed and crying as her father died.

𝖀𝖓𝖈𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉- MATTHEO RIDDLE (hp)Where stories live. Discover now