Four: Prince Nikolai Lantsov

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Prince Nikolai Lantsov

He hadn't counted on Lord Morozova showing tonight. In fact, he'd been fairly certain his father's most powerful advisor and distant cousin would stay at home. He almost never went to balls. But it seemed someone had told him about his engagement to Alina that he had planned for that night.

"Kruge for your thoughts?" A familiar voice asked as he paced back and forth in the garden, waiting for Alina to come join him.

He looked up and saw Zoya Nazyalensky walking towards him. She wore a red dress.

He took a deep breath. "Nazyalensky, is this your doing?"

She smiled coyly at him. "Whatever do you mean, my dear Prince?"

"I mean Morozova," he said, "I'm eighteen, I have to find a bride. Alina is the most suitable candidate my parents and I can agree on."

"Morozova thinks otherwise."

"I'll take it as a yes that you were behind this, then," he said, "why does Morozova object to Alina?"

"He doesn't want another bastard on the throne," Zoya said with a shrug.

Nikolai scowled at her. "You know those are only rumors. There's been no proof. Besides, I can't inherit, remember? Not unless my brother dies."

"We don't know," said Zoya, "but we do know with her. Marrying Alina Starkov would put the monarchy in danger."

"Alina is one of my dear friends, a sweet girl, she's beautiful----"

"She's scrawny," said Zoya, "she looks like she desperately needs to eat."

"As opposed to what? You?" Nikolai said. "I offered you the crown, remember? You spat in my face, told me to go to hell, and then left my bed."

Zoya smiled. "And I stand by that."

Someone was coming towards them, running quickly, holding what appeared to be their cell phone to light the path. It was a blond-haired woman Nikolai recognized as his mother.

"Your majesty," Zoya said, curtseying politely.

His mother ignored her. "Nikolai," she said, her blue eyes, the same as his, wide and desperate, looked at him, "you must come quickly. There's been an incident with the Starkov girl."

Nikolai frowned. "Morozova didn't try anything, did he?"

The Queen shook her head. "No. Not that I know of, but it's worse, much, much, worse."

"How much worse?" Nikolai said.

"Whatever was done, Alina slapped him across the face. Morozova is now demanding payback. He wants her to marry him for the humiliation."

Nikolai swore. "Shit."

His mother grabbed his arm and ushered him back inside. Once in the ballroom, he found that Morozova had dragged Alina over to her father and was yelling at him.

"Your little chit slapped me!" he said. "In front of everyone. I demand she be made to pay."

"Lord Morozova, you have my most sincere apologies," Duke Keramasov said, "but she is just a girl. She was not raised royal. She is unfamiliar with our practices. Please don't----"

Lord Morozova shook his head. "No, no. I want retribution. I want her."

A gasp rippled through the crowd.

Lord Morozova looked towards the King, who was not too far away. "You yourself promised me a bride for my years of military service to the monarchy. This girl has wronged me in front of your court. She should be made to pay for what she has done. Let me have the girl!"

"I have a mind of my own!" Alina shouted. "I don't wish to marry him, your majesty. I don't even know him. Please, I----"

She glanced helplessly around, and then her eyes landed on Nikolai. Nikolai locked eyes with her. They had been friends for a long time but Alina had never made her feelings known to him if she had them. He had always thought that maybe she was intimidated by the crown. But it seemed, possibly, that here, tonight maybe he was going to get his answer.

"I love your son, your majesty!" she blurted.

The King's eyes widened. Nikolai had never seen his father look surprised before. It was nice to know how much faith the man had in him. "Lord Morozova," said his father, "perhaps we can come to an agreement."

"Give me the girl, or I will duel your son," he said.

Nikolai's father laughed. "Morozova, my good sir-----"

"It's never been banned," Lord Morozova said, "the girl dishonored me, I have the right to have my honor returned. Give me the girl, or I will duel with Prince Nikolai."

The room went silent.

Finally, the King glanced at Alina. "Miss Starkov, for the sake of our countries future, you will marry Lord Morozova."

"No!" Alina shouted. "No, how could you? I'm not even royal."

"Exactly!" the King thundered. "You should be happy that I don't put your ungrateful self in prison for hurting another royal. Alina Starkov, you will marry Lord Morozova, at the earliest date as your King commands it. That is all. The evening is over. You are all dismissed."

Alina's father led her from the ball room, and Nikolai could only watch helplessly as the girl did something unlike her and sobbed into her father's chest. As the courtiers dispersed, Nikolai made his way to where Morozova was going to leave.

"Why?" Nikolai demanded. "Why would you do that to that poor girl? You could have let the slight pass."

Lord Morozova smirked. "For the monarchy, sire. Always." Then, before Nikolai could punch the bastard, Morzova left, with Zoya trailing after him. As Zoya left the ballroom, she glanced over her shoulder and winked at him giving him a satisfied smile like the cat that caught the canary. 

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