Seventy: Alina Starkov

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Alina Starkov

Alina had gotten one of their drivers to take her out to the countryside early. It had taken some convincing on her part. She was going to have to talk to Aleksander about the staff not listening to her. When she had told Mr. Balakin about her plans, he had looked her up and down with her bags and asked her if Lord Morozova said it was okay. Alina had lied to him, but she hadn't liked his tone, especially when she was grown woman and it was a surprise for her husband.

The drive out there was longer without Aleksander. But Baghra had promised her that she would convince him to come. It wasn't right, the way their honeymoon had ended with the blood and the violence. It was supposed to be about them getting to know each other. About them falling in love. The mess with The Darkling had helped strengthen their bond, as had the baby coming. But everything was still so new in their relationship. So tentative. She worried that one misstep might change everything.

Alina had brought her sketchbook for the drive to keep her company. She sketched absentmindedly, no real idea in her head. But it was a few hours later when she realized that she was drawing her husbands face. She smiled. The car had just reached the long drive that led to the country estate, and if Baghra had done her job, he would be joining her in a few hours. She hoped to get there, find the chef, and have him help her whip up something simple for him.

Alina had never thought of herself as being the domestic type. But she had spent so much time alone growing up, it was nice to cook for someone else. Knowing that Aleksander would be there to share the meal with her excited her the most. She had someone that cared for her, and with the baby coming, she would get to care for someone.

The car pulled to a stop. Mr. Balakin got out and opened the door for her. Alina smiled politely at the driver who just frowned. She rolled her eyes and went inside. The housekeeper was there, waiting for her. Alina didn't recall meeting her last time but she knew Aleksander had mentioned her a few times.

"Mrs. Gorky," she said with a smile.

She had a round face, and greying brown hair that was pulled back in a bun. "Lady Morozova," she said "I'm so sorry we didn't get to meet last time. Your arrival was so unexpected, and everyone was a little scattered. Lord Morozova hardly spends any time here, unless the King is entertaining dignitaries or something. It was so nice to see him get away from work. It was nice to see him with you. I think you've changed him."

Alina blushed. "You're sweet, but I think he's just been working hard to be a better person."

"Yes, but you put the idea to change in his head," she said, "I don't think he would have had it before. You know, Baghra told me you were coming. She also said that you wanted in Porter's kitchen, and he's been grumbling all day about it. He seems to be under the impression you are trying to take his job."

Alina laughed. "Porter has nothing to worry about. This is a one-time thing. Aleksander and I didn't get to finish our honeymoon the last time because of the attack, and the baby will be here in six months. It was the only time that we might be able to do it without it causing too much trouble."

"Well good," said Mrs. Gorky, "you might want to tell him that. He keeps on talking about being replaced by the pretty little housewife."

Alina clenched her jaw, then smiled. "I'm not simply a housewife. I'm...." she hesitated. She didn't truly know who she was. She was Aleksander's wife, and a soon to be mother. But who was Lady Morozova? The time for grisha as soldiers was over. She was certainly not a Saint.

"Lady Morozova?" Mrs. Gorky said with a tilt of her head. "Are you alright?"

"You know," she said, "I won't be cooking today, I'm afraid. But I am going to go for a walk. You have my cell phone number?"

Mrs. Gorky nodded. "Lord Morozova made certain that we had it in case that something should happen."

She nodded. "Good. Then let me know when Aleksander gets here."

"Of course, my Lady. Where shall I tell him that you've gone?"

"To draw and think," she said, "by the pond."

Mrs. Gorky tilted her head to the side. "Are you certain that's a good idea, Miss? Considering what happened there the last time..."

Alina shook her head. "I can't spend my whole life being scared of a spot. I know something terrible happened there, but that's exactly why I've got to go and see it again for myself."

"Alright," said Mrs. Gorky "well I will let Lord Morozova know when he arrives."

"Thank you, Mrs. Gorky."

"And the butler has already seen to your bags," said Mrs. Gorky.

"Thank you."

She turned and left. Alina vaguely remembered her way to the pond. She had spent most of it focusing on Aleksander, learning about him. But everything that happened that day had been so terrible Alina managed to remember the way. She would remember the way until she was old, grey, and her memory was fading.

Alina rounded the corner. She saw the pond. She also saw, to her surprise, Aleksander standing there. Complete with a blanket and a picnic, exactly like it had been the first time. She shook her head in disbelief. "Aleks," she said as she walked towards her, "what are you doing here?"

"I got here after you," he said, "and Mrs. Gorky told me you were upset, but I also know this place a lot better than you do. I figured that you were trying to overcome your fear. I also figured you didn't have to do it alone."

"You," she said, "are wonderful."

He smiled. "I know. As are you." He bent down and pulled something out of the basket that he had brought with him. "I thought that we could fill out college applications."

She raised an eyebrow. "But I'm married, and we're having a baby. I can't be a college student and have a baby."

"You're Alina Starkov," he said, "my Lady Morozova. You can do anything you want to."

She tilted her head to the side. "Have lunch with Mal?"

He coughed. "With your husband present."

Alina glared. Aleksander scowled. "Fine," he said, "have lunch with soldier boy. But if you're going to be friends with him, I really should get to know him. Any friend of yours is going to be a friend of mine."

Alina raised an eyebrow. "How did you manage to make that sound threatening?"

He shrugged. "I think it's just part of who I am, as an authority figure."

Alina laughed, then stood on her tip toes and kissed him. "I love you, Aleks."

"I love you too, Alina." 

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