Forty-seven: Baghra Morozova, present

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Baghra Morozova

They were found half-dead in the field. It was Nikolai and Rurik that found them. Nikolai was swearing as they carried their bodies into the house. She had just arrived as they carried them into the hunting lodge.

"How did this happen?" Nikolai demanded.

"It's The Darkling," said Rurik, "Have you ever met anyone that hasn't wanted to shoot him?"

Nikolai glanced down at Alina. "Only one, besides his mother, and that's the girl we're trying to save. "Baghra, can't you help?"

"Oh, of course. Let me bend over in my old age and see if my bones don't creak as I do," said Baghra, "carry them up the stairs, you lumps, are you prepared to use your powers boy?"

"Alyona and Zoya are on their way," said Rurik.

"We're here!" the front door burst open and Alyona and Zoya came in. The group of them made their way up the stairs, carrying Aleksander and Alina up the stairs They were each put in separate rooms for their comfort.

"Now what?" said Zoya.

"Now we wait," said Baghra, "let us go to the parlor and sit."

They went down the stairs covered in drops of Alina and Aleksander's blood. Alyona was in one room, Rurik was in another, and they were both trying to heal Alina and Aleksander.

"Is this going to work?" Zoya asked as they all sat quietly in the parlor. "We're on the fifth try. The tree is running out of magic. We've had so many tries, and they don't seem to be getting any closer."

"It's different this time," said Baghra.

Nikolai furrowed his brows together. "Are you sure? It looks much the same to me."

Baghra shook her head. "He talks differently. Not only about her, but about the grisha. This one will work. This one will fix everything between the two of them."

"Well, I hope it's sooner rather than later," said Zoya, "I want to go home. Back to our time."

"You don't like all of the modern technology?" Nikolai asked.

"I don't mind the technology," said Zoya, "but I miss my kefta."

Nikolai smirked. "Ever the general."

"Always," said Zoya, "the dresses are impractical, and the heals are terrible. That and I'm tired of watching these two. You know The Darkling hums at work?"

Nikolai raised an eyebrow. "He hums at work?"

She nodded. "It's sickening really."

"It's what we want," said Nikolai, "him, the lovestruck goon, falling to his knees over The Sun Summoner."

"I know, but it doesn't change the fact that it's annoying," said Zoya.

"Ever the romantic."

Zoya huffed.

"Fools," said Baghra, "all of you."

Nikolai glanced at her. "You know Baghra, I'm beginning to suspect that is the only word that you say."

She smirked. "It is the only word that matters, as it is the word that applies to everything. Especially going on in this room. If The Darkling is lovestruck, you two are a love ballad."

Zoya bristled.

Nikolai grinned. "I believe you are growing on me, Baghra. You are so wise and all-knowing."

"You are still an impertinent brat," Baghra replied.

Nikolai glanced at Zoya. "I think she's in love with me."

Zoya rolled her eyes. "I think you're all delusional."

"BAGHRA!" Alyona called. "BAGHRA COME QUICK!"



The group made their way up the stairs. They poked their heads in Alina's room. Alyona stood there, her face deathly pale. "There are two heartbeats," she said.

"What are you talking about, girl?" Baghra demanded. "You can't possibly mean what I think you mean."

"I do," said Alyona, "Alina is pregnant. The Darkling is going to be a father."

Nikolai and Zoya both swore.

Zoya glared at him. "Tell me, when you thought about the magic tree and fixing The Darkling's broken heart did you really think about The Darkling being a daddy to Alina's child?"

"To be completely honest, I'm still processing 'The Fold is The Darkling's broken heart' and the magic time-traveling tree," said Nikolai.

"If this fails again I am going back to our time and usurping you. Do you hear me? I will take your throne, dance on it, with your pretty head on a spike as a decoration, Nikolai Lantsov."

Nikolai grinned. "You know Zoya, I've never seen you so passionate. I do believe I'm in love. You've the wisdom of the ages Baghra. How do you know? When birds sing?"

Zoya let out an irritated shriek and stormed off. "Imbeciles. I'm surrounded by imbeciles."

"I'm marrying her," Nikolai declared dreamily.

Baghra chuckled. "Go calm your General. I am going to watch over my daughter-in-law. Everyone else, out. Alyona, would you..."

"I'll stay close by," Alyona said, but she slipped from the room, as did Nikolai.

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