Twenty-four: Aleksander Morozova

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Aleksander Morozova

David was waiting for him when he arrived at the Little Palace again. "Did you find anything else in our quest?" he asked.

"I found the censuses that used to list all of the grisha families," David said, "although it was quite difficult. Because grisha tended not to like to make themselves known for fear of backlash or being forced to be part of the war effort, most of these were members of the second army that disbanded back in 1980 when the use of weapons became more deadlier than anything their magic could be doing. The small sciences started falling out of popularity. Of course, that was also when The Apparat was at his most powerful and there were all sorts of religious reforms going on. There was a push for---"

Aleksander clenched his jaw. "Normalcy?"

"Whatever that is," said David with a nod.

"Well, anything we can find. Were any of Miss Starkov's family on the list?"

"Not recently, no," said David. He glanced around as if worried that someone might overhear them. "We should discuss this somewhere more private."

Aleksander nodded, and he allowed David to lead the way to his office. Once they were there, he locked the door behind them. He went to the wall and removed a portrait of one of the old Ravkaan kings from the wall. Behind it was a safe. He opened it and pulled out some parchment that looked like it had seen better days as it was ancient and curled.

"There was a Starkov that was a member of the second army, but it was back in 1880," David said, "now according to the research I did, grisha testing was usually done my making the children feel intense pain. There have been some instances of grisha descendants having flashes of power in moments of intense pain or anxiety. It is possible that, if these powers were found, and nurtured, we could rebuild them and get the second army back. Perhaps not what it was, but...."

"Perhaps enough to be a force to be reckoned with," said Aleksander.

"Exactly," said David with a nod. He handed the census with the Starkov ancestor listed as grisha to him. "You might want to keep that safe. I don't know what your plans are for the girl, but I suspect that anyone else finding that Alina is a grisha descendant could be deadly."

"I will keep this safe," he said, "as I will keep her safe. I will be seeing you at the wedding?"

David heaved a sigh. "I'd much rather stay at the library, but Genya is insisting I go. She tells me that she wants to dance."

Aleksander chuckled. "It's good for you to get out of the library, David. You'll find that women love dancing, and they'll do great things for you in return if you dance with them."

David only frowned, and Aleksander patted him on the shoulder. "I'll see you and Genya at the wedding."

David nodded.

There was a knock on the door just then. "Give me a moment," said David, and he went to the door to open it, "whose there?"

Zoya pushed into the room. "Lord Morozova, you've got to come quickly. Something terrible has happened."

Aleksander frowned. "Nazyalensky, what's going on?"

"There's been a problem."

"What kind of problem?"

"They're missing," she said.

"They're missing," said Aleksander, "I'm not a mind reader. Who's missing?"

Zoya hesitated. "Alina, and Nikolai. Alina never showed at the church, and the Princes guards haven't seen him in twenty-four hours."

"Fuck," he swore, "the arsehole is going to try to run away with her."

"He hasn't tried. He has," said Zoya, "there's evidence they're heading to Ketterdam."

Ketterdam. The world of vice, and quick weddings. "Not if I have anything to say about it," said Aleksander, "come with me, Nazyalensky. We're going to ruin a happily ever after."

"How very villainy of you," she said.

He snorted. "I never claimed to be a hero. I'm the bad guy. Come on."

"Why do you need me? Can't I just stay here?"

"Because, someone is going to have to clean up the young Prince's wounds when I found him and I'd rather it not be my fiancé," he said.

"Oh," said Zoya, "well, in that case, I suppose I can come."

"Is there going to be dancing at the rescue mission?" David asked.

Aleksander frowned at him. "I don't think so."

"Can I come?" David asked.

Aleksander laughed. "Yes David, you can come."

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