Sixty-nine: Aleksander Morozova

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Aleksander Morozova

He hadn't been back in the office for months, preferring to stay at home to keep track of Alina. He didn't like the idea of leaving Alina alone while she was pregnant. She was only three months along. It wasn't very far but somehow, he still felt like he had a million things to do. Or that if he wasn't there something terrible would happen. That was one of the good things about being a man in power. He controlled his own schedule and could work where he wanted when he wanted.

He had spent the whole past week baby proofing their home. Now though, he was in his office doing paperwork, and it was midafternoon. But he couldn't even focus. Before he had been married, he would have spent all of his time in the office at The Little Palace. He would have gone weeks without even coming home. Now, he would even eat his lunches with Alina, and take breaks with her. That was all that he wanted to do. To spend time with Alina. He loved his country, but he couldn't fathom sending people to battle when he was raising a child.

The title of General and the power it had come with had been satisfying in his youth. And while he wasn't exactly an old man, he was feeling the weight of the world now too. Alina was younger than he was, there was no getting around that, and he wanted to spend his time with her. Not trapped in his study. He was about to get up to go check on her when there was a knock on the door.

Baghra stood in the doorway, smiling at him. "I don't believe I have ever seen you look more bored while looking at paperwork. I do believe that you were nodding off there for a second."

He blinked and placed the paperwork off to the side.

Baghra came in and took a seat in the empty chair across from him. "Aleksander, I am getting old---"

"Mother," he said.

She smiled. "It's no secret, my dear boy, and lately I am feeling tired. I would like for us to spend some time in the country together, as a family. I know that you have your obligations here but---"

Aleksander smiled at her. "I actually love that suggestion."

Baghra raised an eyebrow. "You do?"

He nodded. "I know that the last time things were there it ended terribly, but I want Alina to love that place. I should like to raise the children there, at least while they're young. But I was worried it would cause her duress and I didn't want anything to happen to the baby."

"I think fresh air would do her good," said Baghra, "it would do us all good. You've had Alina cooped up here for far too long, Aleksander. She needs to be out in the world."

He winced. "I'm not trying to keep her locked up. She's free to come and go as she pleases?"

"Does she know that?" Baghra asked. "Because she's had Genya here, but the last time she invited someone here. And before that, she invited that soldier friend of hers, and you very nearly got into a fight with him."

Aleksander winced. "That's different. He's in love with her."

"Are you sure about that?" Baghra said. "And so what if the boy is? Do you think Alina is in love with him? Because she's told you that you are the one that she loves. She's having your child..."

"That doesn't mean anything," said Aleksander, "feelings can change, divorces still happen with children involved. And he's...."

Baghra looked at him pointedly. "And he's what?"

He clenched his jaw. "He's younger than me."

"Ah," said Baghra, "that's the real issue, isn't it? There's a young, beautiful soldier boy that's in love with your wife. But Aleksander, there's always going to be someone in love with her or looking at her. It doesn't matter what those others do. It only matters if you love Alina, and Alina loves you. This trip could be good for the both of you. You can spend some time alone before the baby and get to know each other even better. You've been through a lot, but you two have barely scratched the surface."

"Alright," said Aleksander, "I'll go tell Alina that we're going to the countryside."

Baghra grinned. "Oh, Alina's already there."

He frowned. "What do you mean, Alina's already there?"

"It was her idea," said Baghra, "she wanted you to get to finish the rest of your honeymoon together. She also mentioned something about cooking you dinner, I believe."

He scowled. "You tricked me."

"Yes," said Baghra, "I did."

"Evil old woman."

"Wretch of a boy," she returned.

"Are you actually coming with me to the countryside?"

She laughed. "Do you honestly think that I would stay in the countryside while the two of you are canoodling? No. I was merely supposed to get you out of here."

"Right then," he said, "I am going to go see my lovely wife and get away from my annoying mother."

Baghra smiled. "Wonderful. I will be able to get rid of my annoying son and his pregnant wife and have my house to myself once again."

"You're annoying," Aleksander said.

"As are you, my dear son," she said, "although I must say, I like seeing this side of you. I didn't think I ever would."

"What side of me?" he asked.

"The romantic, in love, husband," said Baghra, "it's so much better than the General."

He smiled. "You know what mother? I believe you're right. I think the titles of 'husband' and 'father' fit me so much better than General."

"I do, too," said Baghra, "enjoy your honeymoon, my son."

"Oh, I plan on it mother," he said, "I plan on enjoying every minute of it." 

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