Fifty-four: Alina Starkov

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Alina Starkov

The first week back in the house at Os Alta, Alina felt like she was waking from a dream. She had not spent much time there, and this time it was completely different. When she had first come, she hadn't been married to Aleksander. She'd been staying in a completely different room. Now her things were moved into his and she woke every morning to the feeling of his lithe, muscled body against hers. Her husband. Lord Aleksander Morozova, whose child she was now carrying inside of her. It was as if within the span of two weeks she had become another person entirely. Yet.... she was Alina.

But there were images of other Alina's dancing in her head. Other Alina's and Aleksander's that she didn't completely understand. Worse, it wasn't only other Alina and Aleksander's. She saw memories of Nikolai giving her a glittering emerald. And her dressed up as a Saint in a church with an Apparat standing right beside her. " darling Alina...." She woke to the feeling of her husband nuzzling her neck, trailing passionate kisses up and down it. She shivered in response to his touch, giggling at his caress.

"Aleksander," she murmured, her eyes still closed, "Aleksander...don't you have to be at work?" Her eyes fluttered open. She rolled over and looked up at him. A black strand of hair fell into his eyes, and he smiled wickedly at her.

"I'm a Lord," he said kissing the left side of her neck, "and I'm a General," he kissed the right side, "I get to make my own schedule. That's the beauty of it. The schedule this morning says that I get to lay in bed and make love to my wife for as long as I possibly can until we're both completely exhausted."

She smiled up at him as he nuzzled her nose again. "Well, if you get to make up your schedule, and your schedule says to make love to your life then I suppose that we should follow the schedule."

"I suppose so," he said with a grin. He was stroking her naked stomach. "It has only been a week, but you know, I can't wait until you are showing. I can't wait to show my lovely, pregnant wife off to the world."

Alina rolled her eyes. "You just want everyone to know I'm yours, you possessive brute."

He grinned wickedly. "Well, there is that too." He reached out and brushed back a strand of her dark hair. "But can you blame me? You are beautiful, Alina. I like knowing that I have something that others can't."

"Someone," she corrected, kissing him.

"Yes, someone," he whispered huskily into her ear, "roll over for me, Little Wife. There is one part I haven't played with yet, and I want to get you ready there. Soon, you will be too round for me to play with your cunt, and we'll have to try other ways of pleasuring you."

Her cheeks colored. "Aleks, you can't possibly mean---"

His gaze darkened, and he nodded. "Yes, my Sun Beam. I do."

He trailed kisses in between the swell of her breasts as he massaged them, making her arch up, and then he trailed them down her bare stomach as he stroked the sides of her hips.

Alina laughed nervously. "Alright, I'll roll over." She rolled over, and Alina felt his fingers gripping the swell of her bottom. He kissed her in between her shoulder blades as he massaged her buttocks, and Alina whimpered into the pillow under his touch. "Aleks...."

His fingers were in between the crevice of her bottom, and he rubbed them up and down as Alina's entire body clenched under his touch. A mewling sound came from her. "Aleksanderrr....Aleks...." his name was coming out breathlessly from her lips. He kissed one of her bottom cheeks, then another.

"Alina," he growled, burying his face into her hair, "I'm going to take you, Alina."

He worked his boxers off, and then, gripping her shoulder, he pushed his cock inside of her ass. His skin slapped against hers, and he rolled his hips into hers. Alina's back arched into his as she let out a gasp. He bit into her neck. "Alina, Alina, Alina," he murmured in between nipping her neck.

"Aleks...." she was a whimpering mess under his touch. "Aleks, I love you."

He was filling her up, and Alina could feel his seed spilling out of her. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, and then rolled her over so that she was facing him. He stroked her cheek. "Alina," he murmured, "do you mean it?"

Alina nodded.

He furrowed his brows together. "You're not saying that because you're simply in a sex haze, and you're pregnant, are you?"

She shook her head. "I know it might seem like that. But I think.... I think I felt it when we were running from those soldiers. I saw you stop, and you looked like you were going to go back and kill them. I could tell it was what you wanted to do. It was the soldier in you, I think, but something...something stopped you, and you ran after me, and I think...I know that was the moment when I realized I love you. Do you think it's fast, or foolish?"

He shook his head and pressed his against her forehead. "No, Alina. I don't think it's fast at all. I think it's perfect. When I woke up from being shot, you were the first person I thought of, and I realized that I couldn't live in a world without you there. That I didn't want to live in the world there. You're my wife, Alina, and I love you so much. And I love that you're having my baby, and that we're going to have a wonderful future together."

Alina smiled. "I do think we're going to have a wonderful future together. But you know, I think that----Aleks."

She paled slightly.

"What?" Aleksander said. "What is it?"

"Get off me," she demanded.

"Alina, what's going on---"

"I'm PREGNANT YOU MORON! GET OFF ME!" She pushed him off her and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind her as she hung her head over the toilet.

"LOVE YOU HONEY!" Aleksander called.

"I'M GOING TO----" she didn't get to finish as she hurled into the toilet. 

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