Fifty-five: Aleksander Morozova

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Aleksander Morozova

Alina's morning sickness came on quickly. She spent most of the morning after he had made love to her on the bathroom floor, with her head pressed against the toilet bowl. He took in a blanket, some water, and saltines. "Darling, do you want me to stay with you?" he offered. "I don't have to go into work today."

"Aleks, as lovely as that sounds, I am afraid that if I throw up on you, I won't ever want to touch you again," she said, "please, go to---" she burped.

The burp itself wouldn't have been so strange. What was strange, however, was the little ball of pure sunlight that came from her mouth and floated out of it. Alina stared, first at the ball of light that floated upwards like a bubble then disappeared. Then back at Aleksander. "Aleks, I've never been pregnant before but is it normal for pregnancy to make you burp out little balls of light?"

He frowned. "Not that I know of, but also, I don't know if you've noticed Alina, I am a man. I'm not exactly well versed in pregnancy. Aside from what I've seen in the movies and read in books."

Alina burped again, and another little ball of sunlight came out. She covered her mouth with her hand. "Aleks, that's not normal..."

He shook his head. "I know, my love. Alina... "Aleksander reached out and pressed a hand to her forehead. "You don't feel feverish."

"I don't think it's a fever," she said, "I think it's magic."

He hesitated. "What if I told you that I did some research into your family? I've been tracking members of grisha family's, trying to see if there are any that are still powerful enough to use your magic, and there was a grisha in your family line. Someone that served in the second army. And I...I think you might be connected to The Sun Summoner."

"How?" she said. "That's impossible, The Sun Summoner died."

"I don't know," he said, "but those things of light coming from you, they don't look like fire, they look like sun and we've got to figure out why you're suddenly burping up sunlight. It could mean that the baby is grisha too. Maybe even a Sun Summoner."

"Aleks, the last Sun Summoner died," she said, "tragically, if I'm not mistaken. If the wrong people find out our baby is one, or could be one....I don't want to even think about what could happen to her."

"Her?" he said. "Are you so certain it's a girl?"

She smiled faintly at him. "I can't explain it. It feels right."

"I think so, too," he said softly, "but Alina, we need to make certain that you are okay. We're going to have to tell someone."

"Who are we going to tell? The grisha didn't die out. When the second army disbanded, their powers became dormant from lack of use. Now, grisha don't tell anyone they're grisha besides other grisha. They're scared. They remember what it was to be forced to fight and die for a country that didn't care for them. You're one of the most powerful men in Ravka. You're the one children say they have nightmares of. Who's going to help me just because I happen to be glowing like a star?"

He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I'll find someone. I promise. In the meantime, Genya is still here, and I'm going to send her up to stay with you for the rest of the day."

"Where are you going? I thought you were staying with me," she said.

"That was before you started burping sunlight," he said, "I'm going to go find us grisha."



"Don't hurt anyone," she begged, "don't force someone to do something that they don't want to."

"Alina, you're my wife. I promised you that I would take care of you."

Alina reached out and took his hand in hers. "I won't be able to live with myself if I thought that someone else was being hurt because of me, Aleksander. I mean it. Find us help if you can, but don't force them to help against their will. They served our country for centuries, they don't deserve to be treated like...."

"Like what?" he bristled.

"Like witches," she said, "they're people. Remember that."

He cupped her chin in his hands and kissed her again. "Alright, my dear Little Wife. For your sake, I will be gentle. I won't be cruel."

She smiled. "Good. Now---" her head was bent over the toilet again. Aleksander couldn't help but make a face as she puked again, and he pushed himself up off of the ground.

"I'll be back," he promised, "and I'll send for Genya."

He left the room, leaving the door open. As he was going downstairs to find his wife's friend, he was relieved to find her already coming up the stairs. "Thank the Saints! I was just coming to get you," he said.

Genya smiled. "Not to worry. I heard the puking. Morning sickness?"

"Amongst other...things. Alina will explain if she can. I'm going to----well, I've got to get some things for her. Would you mind watching her?"

Genya nodded. "Not at all. Go get whatever you need, I'll make certain that she's okay." She swept past him, and Aleksander continued on down the stairs.

As he was about to leave, he heard the sound of coughing and saw his mother appear by the door. "I could help her, you know," she said, "you know the truth of what I am, boy. Perhaps it's time to tell her as well."

"I know the truth of what you are too," he snarled, "which is exactly why you won't go near her or say a word." He stormed from the house, and he went to go find a cure for his wife. 

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