Seventy-one: Aleksander Morozova

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Aleksander Morozova

That evening, they stayed out by the pond looking at several college applications that Aleksander had picked out for her. He hated the idea of her having something that took her away from him. But he hated the idea that she would grow to hate him because she didn't have a life either. They had a whole life together and he wanted to keep her happy. He knew that meant her doing something on her own.

When they were finished filling out applications, and eating the late lunch and dinner he'd had for them, the two of them lay on the blanket staring up at the stars.

"Do you think it will change things?" she asked. "Me, going to school? You work constantly and...."

He reached out and took her hand. "It won't. Because I can always work wherever, and we'll work hard to make the time for each other. I thought that you were getting lost. I don't want you to feel like that. I know what happens when people feel that way. They turn out like...."

"Like The Darkling?" she said.

He nodded. "I don't want you to hate me because I took something from you that wasn't even mine to take. I want you to have everything, Alina. Love, a family, a life."

"What if I want my life to be my family?" she asked.

He reached out and stroked her cheek. "Well, that's okay too. As long as it's what you want. I took from you...."

They were both laying on their backs now, their faces right next to each other. Alina turned hers so that it was pressed against her forehead. "I know we didn't start out conventionally," she said, "but I need you to know, Aleksander, you didn't take anything from me. I was alone before. In the dark. My father didn't care for me. He was going to marry me off to the first powerful man that would have me. If anything, you gave me light, and took me from the darkness."

He smiled at her. "I think you're the first person that has ever said that I brought light into their life. I'm the thing that hides in the shadows."

"Well, you've got light in your life. It makes sense that you would want others to have it too now," she said.

"I feel like a schoolboy with a crush," he admitted, "I can't focus when I'm supposed to be working. I want to be with you all the time. I keep on thinking up baby names instead of doing my work..."

"Baby names?" Alina said, smiling. "Like what?"

"Irina," he said "if it's a girl."


"It means peace," he said.

"What about if it's a boy?"

He shook his head. "It's a girl."

Alina smiled. "You're stubborn," she said, "it might be a boy."

"How about Czar?" Aleksander suggested.

Alina laughed. "I think the King might take offense to that, and I would rather not have our child start off on the wrong foot in court."

"Live dangerously, Alina," he said with a smile.

"Not when it comes to my children," she said, "now be serious. I like Irina for a girl. But what about if it's a boy?"

"What about Levushka?" he suggested.

Alina raised an eyebrow. "Doesn't that mean lion?"

"Yes," he said, "he'll need to remember to be strong being my son."

"So will your daughter," Alina reminded him.

He smiled. "Touche, my Little Wife. But people will see her and be reminded of you. When people see you, they think of your sacrifices, of your goodness. When people see me, they think of nightmares. If we have a son, that's what they'll think of."

She shook her head. "There is always time, Aleksander, to make them see you a different way. You talk about me finding myself. Well, you've faced your past, my darling husband. You've got a whole future ahead of you too. What does that look like?"

Aleksander smiled, and he knew instantly what he was going to do. He was going to give up the title of General, to someone who actually deserved it. Who would make good use of it. He no longer craved power or glory or legacies. The thing that he craved the most in this world was her.

Alina. And whatever she desired. He did not care about making his future look good for himself, he only cared about making his future worthy of her. He reached out and stroked her cheek.

"What does my future look like?" he asked.

Alina nodded.

He nuzzled her nose, then kissed her. "This. You and me. Together no matter if there are shadows or sunlight."

Alina kissed him back, and when they parted, she rested her forehead against his. "I like the sound of that. I like the sound of that a lot." 

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