Twenty-three: Alina Starkov

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Alina Starkov

She slept next to her fiancé. When Alina woke, it was to the feeling of being kissed on her neck and she found a shirtless Aleksander Morozova in front of her. She blushed. "Well, that's a lovely way to wake up," she said.

"I'll keep that in mind," he said with a grin, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, but you looked so pretty sleeping I couldn't help myself..."

"Well, I'm glad you helped yourself," she said, "and today..."

"Today, we're getting married," he said, "I have some things that I have to take care of but Baghra is here to help you as are the maids. I will see you at the church."

He kissed her one more time, and Alina wrapped her arms around his neck and threaded her fingers through his hair. "Don't go," she said, "stay."

He laughed. "I can't stay. But you don't have anything to worry about. We've got our whole marriage ahead of us."

"Married," she said with a nervous little laugh, "today."

He chuckled. "Yes. Today." Aleksander got up from the bed. "Baghra's waiting for you to get dressed."

The door opened then, and Baghra stood in the doorway. "The bride is supposed to spend the night before her wedding alone," said Baghra, "that is tradition. If you've done anything to affect her honor---"

"She's perfectly honorable," Aleksander said, "although she might be a little more worldly."

Baghra frowned. "Be that as it may, we have a wedding gown to get her into, and you have errands of your own that you need to handle."

"Yes, of course."

"Preferably dressed."

He rolled his eyes. "Yes, Mother."

Alina chuckled and she got out of the bed. "One more kiss, please. I quite like them."

"Happily," he said, and he kissed her one more time, "the next time I will see you, it will be our wedding."

"Yes," she said with a smile, then bounded from the room. She saw Baghra roll her eyes, but there was the barest hint of a smile on the old ladies lips.

"Come on, you impertinent girl," Baghra said, "we must get you ready to get married." She pushed her into her room.

The wedding dress was on the bed, having been taken out of the black dress bag. "We need to do your hair and makeup first," said Baghra, "Renee will help you with that. Take a seat."

Baghra forced her into her seat in front of the vanity.

"Hair up or hair down?" Renee asked.

"Up," Baghra said, "it's always better to have something to pull down."

Alina blushed. "Baghra!"

"Strictly speaking from my own experience, my dear girl," she said with a smile, "now let's make you a bride."

The morning was spent with her being poked and prodded. And it was mid-afternoon by the time that she was dressed and ready to go to the chapel. "Now the driver will take you to the wedding, and your father is meeting you there," said Bahgra, "he'll be walking you down the aisle. I talked to him this morning. He is still quite put out about the whole affair, but he is coming. I thought you should know."

"Good," Alina said.

She had almost thought that her father would make her walk the aisle alone. They weren't close, and he hadn't been enthused about the whole thing. But neither had she. She assumed that he would stay away to make some sort of statement. But knowing that he was going to be there for the day gave her some relief.

"Oh, and one more thing," said Baghra, "I've got your something old. I'll be right back."

She left the room momentarily.

"Is there anything else that you need?" the maid asked.

"No, I'm alright," she said.

"Then, I'll take my leave. Congratulations, Miss Starkov," the maid said, "you look beautiful."

"Thank you," she said with a smile.

The maid left, and then Baghra came back. There was a box in her hands. "This was mine as a girl. It has been worn by every Lady Morozova on their wedding day. It is now yours and should you and Aleksander be so blessed your daughters. It's the Morozova tiara. It's your something old."


Baghra chuckled. "I don't mean to put pressure on you on the children. Only someday, and in time."

Alina smiled. "Thank you, Baghra. It's beautiful. Is that a second box?"

Baghra nodded. "The second one is from Aleksander. He wanted to give you something blue and something new."

Alina hesitated. "When did he even have time to pick something out?"

"He's a powerful man. Powerful men usually have other people do it for them."

"Huh. I don't know if that's romantic.... or not," she said.

"Open it, and once you see how pretty it is, you might think it's romantic," said Baghra.

Alina opened it. Inside, there was a sapphire blue necklace. "Oh.'s beautiful."

Baghra helped her put both on. "There," she said, "you are now a bride. And it is now time to go to the church."

"Are you coming with me?"

"No, I'll travel alone, and meet you there later. But I will walk you to the car."

Baghra looped her arm through hers, and the two of them made their way from the room down the stairs. There was a black car waiting for her. The driver opened the door, and Baghra helped Alina slip inside, making sure the black wedding dress she wore didn't get ruined in the process.

"I'll see you at the wedding, my dear," Baghra said, and then she closed the door on her.

"Hello, Alina," drawled the last voice that she expected to hear.

Alina turned, realizing that there was someone in the car with her. "Nikolai," she ground out. "What are you doing here?"

"Being what I was born to be," he said with a grin, "Prince Charming. And now I'm living up to my birthright by saving the girl."

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