the garden (fluff)

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You walked home from work, seeing your new neighbor, Bucky Barnes, leaning against the wall of his house. His arrogant smirk appeared as you walked up the path to your door, scrunching your nose at the sight of him.

James Buchanan Barnes was irritating. The first day he'd moved in, he and his friends were loud until the early hours of the morning, drunkenly shouting along with his record player. Then, his drunk friends had walked through your garden, trampling half of your flowers and some vegetables. And he was always outside with his stupid smirk, thinking his pretty face was enough to win you over.

Bucky was also gorgeous, and the worst part was, he knew it. You'd seen him in town flirting with girls in the market, and everywhere he went. Even your friends all fought for his attention. When they'd come over, you'd sit outside on your porch and they would all wave to him and giggle. He greeted them, chattering with the blushing and giggling girls who fell at his feet. You always rolled your eyes and ignored him, unamused.

Bucky was fascinated by you, the only girl to never fall for his charm. He was charismatic and had every girl at his fingertips that he had ever wanted. He knew that the two of you had gotten off on the wrong foot, and you despised his smoking habit. However, he had made it his goal to win you back over, but you had proven to be stubborn. You were a challenge, and Bucky was determined.

"Hey doll." He greeted you as you stepped up onto your porch.

"It's Y/N." You scowled at him, and he said your name, winking at you.

He checked you out, admiring you in your high waisted pants and button down. You shook your head at him, going inside your house, closing the door. You put your grocery bag down and started to make dinner, when you saw Bucky on your porch. You groaned and opened your window, looking at him.

"What are you doing here?" You asked.

"My stove is out of gas. Could you put me up for dinner?" He gave you a boyish grin, rocking on his heels.

"Why would I do that?"

"To be neighborly," he suggested.

"C'mon. Because I'll buy you dinner tomorrow?" Bucky tried again.

"You're so full of shit."

"Y/N, the stores are closed, it's late."

"Fine. Get in here." You gave in, shaking your head and shutting the window. He waltzed through the front door, looking too pleased with himself.

"Plus, I brought a gift!" He held up a bottle of rosé.

"So you can get drunk and ruin my flowers again?"

"I apologized for that. Please forgive me."

"You're forgiven." You said, not convincing him or yourself.

"Where're your glasses?" He asked, and you pulled a cabinet open, stirring your pot of pasta. He pulled down two glasses and filled them.

"Maybe I don't drink."

"You do, this is your favorite wine. I've seen you drinking it on the porch swing at least twice." Bucky called you out.

"Oh, so you stalk me?" You accused.

"No, you just sit outside all the time."

He lifted the glass to his lips, smiling behind the rim. You drank from your own, needing it in order to deal with him. You noticed his dog tags, resting against his skin with the top few buttons of his shirt undone. He caught you staring, but he held eye contact, wanting to make you blush.

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