little princess: blurb (fluff)

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You watched as the little toddler tore out of the arms of her nanny. You'd just stepped off the plane with Zemo, Sam, and your boyfriend, Bucky. The wind blew through your hair, nearly knocking over the small child as she ran across the tarmac.


She ran into Zemo's arms, and he scooped her up and held her tightly, squeezing the little girl. She had his same blond hair and beautiful brown eyes, a light Sokovian accent hanging off of her high-pitched voice.

"My little princess, I've missed you!" Zemo breathed, and you swore you saw a tear rolling down his cheek. She clung to him tightly, and he carried her to the car that you all piled into.

"Hi uncle Jamesie," she smiled brightly at your boyfriend once you were moving on the road.

"Hi, Odette. I've missed you," Bucky smiled, and she moved over and hugged him, earning a smile from Zemo.

While Zemo had been incarcerated, Bucky visited his daughter when he could. He'd also sent her gifts for every holiday, and made sure she went to a good private school, all at Zemo's request.

"You remember Y/N? My girlfriend?" Bucky asked her, and she grinned up at you.

"Yes, she's beautiful! Like a princess!" She giggled, waving shyly at you.

"Not near as pretty as you," you winked at her, making her blush and climb back into her dad's arms.

Zemo smiled at you, holding her in his arms as you drove to a penthouse in Madripoor, where you were staying.

"M'sleepy, daddy," Odette yawned, stretching her tiny arms and burying deeper into his furry coat.

"We're nearly home, little princess," he kissed her head and you watched them, your heart swelling with warmth.

You followed them inside, holding Bucky's hand as you entered the penthouse. Zemo put Odette down, and you heard him reading to her from a storybook until she fell asleep.

"Your daughter is darling," you told Zemo as you poured a cup of tea in the kitchen.

"I love her very much."

"I can see that," you smiled at him.

Zemo liked you, and he wished that his daughter had a strong mom like you. He sometimes wondered if you and James would be better parents to Odette than he would, and James had become her godfather.

You stirred beside Bucky, hearing the soft noise of feet on the floor.

"Y/N?" The little girl whispered from next to your bed as you opened your eyes.

"Hi, love. What is it?" You whispered.

"M'dad's door is locked, and I've got nightmares!" Her little eyes filled with tears.

You moved over in the bed, lifting the blanket for her to crawl in bed beside you. Bucky rolled over and gently touched her head.

"Are you okay, princess?" Bucky's voice was deep from sleep.

"Yes, uncle Jamesie," she whispered, crawling in between you to snuggle into the super soldier's warmth and feel safe with you. You fell back asleep once she had drifted off, and Bucky watched the two of you. He loved how good you were with her, and it made him imagine you with your own children one day.


"She's in here, Zemo!" You called, and he ran in, sighing as he saw her sitting in between the two of you, Bucky reading to her from her storybook. He relaxed and walked over to sit on the edge of the bed.

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