period: blurb (fluff)

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You whined half heartedly, pain seeping through your abdomen. You swore and gripped your belly, wincing as the pain increased. Bucky stirred in bed beside you, his hand coming to rest on your arm.

"What's wrong, doll?" He asked, half-asleep.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." You apologized, breathing through the pain.

"S'okay. Why're you up, it's only five?"

"I have cramps. They're really bad." You complained.

"I'm so sorry. I'll get you things."

"It's fine-"

He was already up, pulling on a clean shirt and tying his hair into a bun.

"Not a problem, try to rest." He kissed your forehead, grabbing his keys from the dresser and leaving. You got up to the bathroom, cleaning yourself up and changing into fresh pajamas. You found loose joggers and pulled on one of Bucky's many black tees.

You grabbed a blanket and pillow from the bed and walked out to the living room, settling down on the couch. You turned on Netflix, letting a show distract you from your growing discomfort.

You looked up when the door opened, Bucky walking in with a large bag in one hand, and hydrangeas in the other. You smiled as he put the vase of flowers on the coffee table for you to enjoy, and you felt tears prick at your eyes.

"Oh, doll, no tears," Bucky laughed sympathetically, kneeling down and hugging you.

"Y-you're just so sweet and I d-ont deserve you..." you were overly emotional from your hormones, and he struggled not to laugh at you.

"Y/N, you're perfect and wonderful and amazing. Let me take care of you." He kissed your head before moving to show you what he got.

"I didn't know what you needed so I got these (tampons), and I got some painkiller, and a fuzzy hot water bottle, and chocolate, and these peach halo top ice creams you like, and some earl grey tea. Oh, and this honey scented lotion!" He showed you everything, and you pulled him into kiss you.

"You're so sweet to me."

"I'm doing my best." He admitted, an almost shy smile on his face.

He handed you a bottle of water so you could take some painkiller, and you turned back to your show. He returned from the kitchen with the hot water bottle and a cup of tea for you, and you silently thanked him. He moved to sit behind you on the couch, letting you lean against his chest instead of the pillow. His warmth and rhythm of his heartbeat relaxed you, and you positioned the hot water bottle on your abdomen, sighing at the relief it brought. Bucky's metal fingers played with your hair, his 'human' arm draped over your chest.

"Wanna switch to a movie?" Bucky asked, kissing your head as you intertwined your fingers with his hand that rested on your middle.

"I'll let you watch a movie, since you're being the best boyfriend ever." You giggled, looking for something to watch.

"Look, this one is set in the forties," you pointed, and Bucky nodded, telling you to play it. You looked up, his silver eyes trained on the screen. His hand kept playing with your hair, but he stayed focused on the movie.

"Was it really like that, then?" You asked, laying your head against his shoulder.

"Yeah, it really was. You would've liked it. I would've taken you to one of those dive bars to listen to jazz and dance." He said, kissing your forehead.

You grew uncomfortable again as the hot water bottle cooled off, and Bucky felt you squirm on his lap, unable to get comfortable. He took your empty teacup from your hand and set it on the coffee table. You pulled the water bottle off, reaching over and setting it aside.

"It's not warm anymore." You explained, digging through the bag on the floor beside you and pulling out chocolate.

"Do you want me to heat it back up for you?" Bucky went to lift you off and you hung onto his vibranium arm.

"Don't leave me, Bucky." You protested, even though you could see the kitchen from where you were sat.

He kissed you and wrapped his arms around your waist, putting his hand on your abdomen. His skin was warm and he slowly massaged circles into your belly, easing your cramps. You drifted off, the discomfort leaving your body. Bucky held you, continuing his soothing movements long after you had fallen asleep.

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