stutter: blurb (fluff)

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Bucky fought back the smirk that pulled at his lips. Your frown deepened and you pulled your sleeves over your wrists. You were incredibly frustrated, and your boyfriend's amusement was only making it worse.

"S-top lau-ghing!" You stuttered, embarrassed tears rolling down your cheeks. Bucky's smile immediately fell, and he leaned forward and grabbed your wrists, tugging you to his chest.

"I'm not laughing at you, doll. I'm so sorry," he apologized sincerely, his lips pressed to your forehead.

"You are!" You tried to pull your wrists free of his grasp, but you were unsuccessful.

"No. Look at me. I think you're sweet, and adorable. I'm not laughing, I promise." Bucky reasoned with you, but more frustrated tears flowed down your face, hiccups adding to your stutter. You tried to get out the words but you couldn't, your anxiety catching the sounds in your throat.

"Relax, doll."


"What's going on with-?" Loki trailed off as he walked in the room, seeing you breaking down.

You covered your face in your hands, not wanting him to see you crying. Loki's long strides brought him to your side, and he shot a worried look to Bucky. Loki gently laid his hands on your back, and it only caused you to cry harder into Bucky.

You tried to explain that the stress you were under was making your stutter worse, despite your typical ability to conceal it. You were embarrassed by it, used to being teased as a child, and sympathetic amusement from your friends and family.

You could hardly get the words out clearly, but both men were patient with you as the listened. Loki's concerned expression made you more upset, and you stumbled over your explanation of the immense stress you were under.

"Take a deep breath, darling. It's okay," Loki's voice was gentle.

"I didn't mean to laugh," Bucky kissed your head.

"You laughed at her?!" Loki viciously came to your defense, and you pushed the two boys apart.

"Don't fi-fight!"

"I wasn't laughing."

"Whatever you're stressed about, we'll take care of it. I'll tell Stark not to send you missions, and we'll handle everything." Loki immediately went into his fix-it mode, his role as a fiercely protective best friend. You smiled slightly, and Bucky hugged you.

"I have a history paper due-"

"Steve will write it. He's great at it," Bucky joked, and Steve smiled.

"Send me the assignment, I'll take care of it." Steve kissed your head as he walked up.

"Let me hear that pretty voice," Bucky said, bumping his nose to yours.

"I love you," you said slowly, and he grinned before capturing your lips in a kiss.

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