wisdom teeth: blurb (fluff)

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Bucky looked up from his phone in the waiting room of the dentist's office at the sound of his name.

"That's me."

He followed the girl in scrubs down a small hallway to a procedural room where you were. You were barely coming out of the anesthesia, your mind feeling similarly to being black-out drunk.


"That's me, doll," Bucky grinned at you.

"She's going to be a little bit loopy for a while. It typically happens with patients who get their wisdom teeth out. We have some hydrocodone for when it starts to hurt, just be sure she only takes the prescribed dosage."

"Of course. I'll give it to her." Bucky promised, taking your pain medication.

"My mouth feels all full," you complained, your words slurred together and slightly muffled from the gauze in your mouth.

"I know, that's because you've got the gauze in your mouth. You feeling a little silly?" Bucky asked as they gave you a minute sitting up.

You nodded, and he tried not to laugh at you, knowing you were confused and this was going to be miserable wants the anesthesia wore off. He carried you to his yellow car, driving you back to the tower.

"Don't like this," you complained, touching your face.

"Y/N, baby, don't touch your mouth," Bucky sighed, catching your wrists. You whined in protest before mumbling something half incoherent about the winter soldier being grouchy.

"Okay, let's get you inside and settled in bed. How does that sound? Maybe sleep some of this off?"

You didn't fight him as he took you up, thankful that everyone was on missions or caught up in meetings so you didn't have an audience.

Bucky helped you change into leggings and one of his hoodies before helping you into your bed, curled up in a nest of pillows and blankets. Bucky turned on a show you'd already seen but loved on Netflix, carefully playing with your hair until you fell asleep.

"Bucky, it hurts," you whimpered softly, and he felt terrible for you.

"Y/N, baby, I know. I'm so sorry. You can take some of the pain meds, okay?" Bucky filled the syringe with red liquid and your eyes were wet from discomfort as you watched him.

He helped give it to you, since you couldn't navigate your wounded mouth very well, and in between anesthesia and pain meds, your mind was a little fuzzy.

He didn't mind taking care of you when you needed, but his heart ached to see you so uncomfortable. You were soft and cuddly and pathetic from the pain and drugs, staying curled up in bed in his arms.

He was careful not to touch your swollen face, and once you were feeling up to it, he made you a milkshake. You struggled to open your mouth all the way for the spoon, and you nearly dropped it back in the glass.

"I want a straw," you whispered, frustrated tears blurring your vision.

"They said no straws for a couple a days because the sucking will irritate your mouth, doll," Bucky kissed the corner of your eye.

He set the glass aside and moved you into his lap, whispering an apology for your discomfort.

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