lipgloss: blurb (smut/fluff)

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You sat in front of the mirror in your bathroom, touching up your makeup while you waited for your boyfriend to get home from work. You were excited to see him, putting in the extra effort to dress up for the occasion. He'd been planning a date with you since the weekend before, to make up for all of the time he'd spent at work.

"Doll?" You stood up as you heard Bucky call out to you.

You ran through the house, squealing as he lifted you up. You tried to kiss him and he pulled away, setting you down.

"Bucky!" you gasped, your eyes widening.

"You'll get your lipgloss all over me," Bucky kissed your forehead, and your eyebrows shot up.

"You won't let me kiss you because I have lipgloss on?"


You shook your head, pushing out of Bucky's arms. Agitation flashed across his steel eyes, and he tried to grab your waist, but you were too fast. Bucky called after you, and you slipped out of his grasp, moving swiftly toward the door.

"Don't follow me, I will go on this date by myself!" you insisted, your eyes sparkling. Bucky's fingers caught your skirt, dragging you backward. You shook your head with a shriek, and he begged out apologies, trying to kiss you as you twisted away, your giggles echoing off of the walls.

"Doll, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it, I'll spend this entire night kissing you!"

The air left your lungs as Bucky pushed you up against the wall, kissing you roughly. You grinned into the loving kiss, your heart racing and stomach full of butterflies. His hands were planted on the wall at either side of your head, and your fingers twisted into his hair.

Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling your boyfriend in closer. Hands were under your skirt, his body pressed against yours.

"What about our date?" you gasped between starved kisses.

"Fix your lipgloss."

Bucky slapped your ass as you walked away from him, making you blush. Bucky followed you, leaning in the doorway of the bathroom as you stood in front of the mirror. He watched you pull the pins from your hair and turn and lean on the counter.

"I think I'd rather stay in with you," you confessed, feeling all needy for him.

"Yeah?" A smirk crossed Bucky's face, arrogant, knowing he'd made you weak.

He walked over, carefully undoing the buttons of your dress, hanging it up on the back of the door.

"Sergeant?" Your voice was soft and sultry, and he turned quickly.


"Come and fuck me?"

He was pulling his uniform off, and grasping your wrists before you could move to sit on the counter. You didn't understand at first, continuing to try to sit on the edge of the cool marble.

"No, bend over and watch your Sergeant fuck you in the mirror. I want you to see how well your cunt takes my cock. You were made for me."

Bucky flipped you to face the mirror, your hips meeting the edge of the counter. Bucky's filthy words made arousal pool between your legs, heat burning through your body. His hands gripped and kneaded your ass roughly, spreading you open for him and kicking your stance wider. You looked in the mirror, seeing him behind you, rubbing against your folds. You would've fucked yourself back on him out of pure desperation, if he hadn't held you down.

"Want me to fill you up?" Bucky's hand slid up your spine, fisting your hair and tugging you back, your hands planting on the counter.


Your body jolted forward at the sharp slap against your ass, your hips bruising at the impact on the bathroom counter. You whimpered softly, and Bucky's look came as a warning to correct yourself.

"Yes, Sergeant. Fill me up, please!"

Your body knocked against the counter again as he thrust into you all at once, your hands bracing against the marble. Bucky pulled your head up to watch as he slammed into you, his hips knocking against yours.

"I'm going to tear up your tight little pussy. I want to hear you scream, doll," Bucky's breath was hot against your neck. Your hand flattened against the glass mirror, pushing back against his thrusts.

A scream ripped from your throat as he fucked you fast and deep. Bucky moaned, nearly coming from hearing the loud moans and screams he pulled from you effortlessly. He let go of your hair in favor of grabbing your hips, his strong grip making your head spin. Bucky snapped into you roughly, aiming at a different angle that had you falling apart almost instantly.

"Sergeant, I'm going to come!" You cried, your arms shaking as you struggled to hold yourself up.

"Come around me, doll, want to feel you squeezing on my cock," he smirked, driving himself against your cervix.

Granted permission, all the pressure inside of you released, your head dropping forward and shudders of white-hot electricity wracking through your body. It was like wildfire spreading through every nerve, shooting off a million sparks inside of you, blurring your vision and sending you tumbling into rapture.

Bucky followed closely, holding your hips against his, keeping himself buried all the way inside of you. A strangled cry escaped you as you arched your back, all in response to the feeling of his release filling you until it was spilling out, lewdly dripping down your thighs.

"Can't keep it all in, Sergeant, m'sorry," your eyes met his in the mirror, your cheeks wet from the overwhelming high you were coming down from.

"I know, doll. It's just too much, yeah?"

You nodded, resting your face against the marble and throbbing around him, your boyfriend still buried deep inside your pussy. The mixture of your come was smeared across your swollen sex as he pulled out. You whimpered at the sudden emptiness, and Bucky watched his come drip out of you, the filthy sight making his head spin.

"Look at you, all fucked out and messy. Can't even try to clean yourself up," he pushed some of it back in with his fingers, eliciting a broken squeal. You squirmed, too weak to avoid his touch that overstimulated you in all of the best ways.

Your eyes opened as you felt him began to clean you up, taking pity on you after such a rough fucking. Your drowsy smile made him soften, and he kissed your cheek as he lifted your sore body. Bucky carried you to bed, laying you down in the soft sheets to rest.

Tender kisses were pressed to the darkening bruises on your hips, your fingers loosely weaving into his hair.

"I love you, you know?"

You pulled him up into a real kiss, assuring the soldier that you didn't doubt his love, even for a second.

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