enemies (fluff)

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Your eyes narrowed and you glared at Bucky. You couldn't stand him. Bucky was popular, flirtatious, and an asshole. He was always flirting with you at school, and you always felt like he was trying to make a joke of you in front of everyone. On top of that, it made other girls envy you, tainting friendships with jealousy.

It seemed like you were the only one who didn't want Bucky Barnes.

"You're such an ass!" You snapped at Bucky, who only laughed in response. You hated when he tilted his head to the side, the stupid smirk you loathed pulling at his lips.

"Don't be like that, doll."

"I'll do whatever I want! Leave me alone, I'm not going to fall at your feet like everyone else!" You stood up from the library where he had been absolutely intent on distracting you from finishing your homework, the reason for the fight in the first place.

You were the only one who didn't give him every ounce of attention he desired, and he was determined to get it.

You sat on your bed, a folder of history homework open in front of you. You studied with music softly in the background, needing a break from trying to study with Bucky bothering you every five seconds.

"Y/N," your mom called your name as she walked in the door.

You looked up, setting down the document on World War II. Your father was behind her, and you grew uneasy, wondering what they possibly felt they needed to both talk to you about.

"We're worried about you, dear."

"Worried? Why?" you laughed, surprised by their explanation.

"We're just concerned that you don't have the same social life people your age have. You seem to always be up here, studying in your room. We want you to meet some people, and have some fun," your father explained.

You were confused by the explanation. You spent most of your time at school, and around other students. You did have friends, but you also prioritized your grades. You certainly were not the hermit they were making you out to be.

"You don't need to worry-"

"But darling, you've never dated. One of our friends has the most charming son, and we think he'd be perfect for you. We want to set you up." Your mother was smiling, and you raised your eyebrows.

"Perfect for me?"

"Yes! He's so charming, and he's sweet. He's also incredibly intelligent, his grades are wonderful. He travels a lot, you know, has that worldly kind of sense. And, he's beautiful. We were thinking of setting the two of you up, having them over for dinner."

You couldn't deny that this sounded too good to be true. The boy they were describing sounded perfect for you, and although you cringed at the idea of your parents setting you up, you were intrigued.

"What is his name?"

"James!" She beamed, and you raised your eyebrows.

"I will go on one blind date with him, if you stop giving me a hard time about my social life."

"One date. You can meet him at dinner tomorrow, and then the two of you must go on one date. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. But try for us, honey."

"I will, I promise," you smiled at your parents, excited and nervous to meet your supposed dream-man.

You dressed up for dinner once you were home from school. You'd never even seen this boy, and yet your tummy was filling with excited butterflies. Your name was called from downstairs, and you quickly ran down to meet them.

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