showers: blurb (smut)

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Bucky got home from work, agitated from the day. You stood up off the couch and went to him, your hands going to rest on his chest.

"Rough day?" You asked, and he nodded, catching you in a deep kiss. Your lips parted to let his tongue into your mouth. His hands went in the back pockets of your jeans, squeezing your ass through the fabric.

You knew the kind of mood he was in, and you were more than willing to give in to his needs. You were able to make Bucky forget about his work, caught up only in you.

"I was about to shower before you got home. Care to join me?" You asked, running your fingers through his long hair.

"Yes. Go get in, I'll just be a minute." Bucky commanded, slapping your butt as you walked down the hall.

Bucky dropped his things, running his hands through his hair and taking a few minutes before going to join you.

He stripped down as he walked into your shared bathroom, admiring your body through the glass door of the shower.

He stepped in behind you, kissing your shoulder. Hot water ran down his body, easing his tense muscles. You squeezed soap into Bucky's hands and leaned your head back against his chest. His hands glided over your body, washing the day off of you and making arousal drip down your thighs.

A soft sigh left you as his hands went up to squeeze your chest, playing with your tits. His cock pressed against your ass, and the water soaked you, filling the shower with steam.

"Feel good, doll?"

"Yes, you always make me feel good," you reached up behind you, draping your arms around his neck. He rolled his hips forward, grinding against you.

His vibranium arm wrapped around your waist, securing you to his chest. You relaxed against him, feeling him brush against your pussy. You tightened your arms around his neck as he pushed inside, your body accommodating his thick size. He felt heavy inside, the veins and ridges of his cock catching on your walls as he fucked into you forcefully. 

Your moans were lost under the sound of the running water, and you were thankful that your strong boyfriend was holding you up, because just him fucking into you had your mind clouding.

His free hand dropped between your legs, circling your clit as he continued his deep thrusts against your backside. His head brushed your cervix, and he leaned back against the cool tile wall to get leverage. With a new angle, he was hitting your spongy front wall, making you orgasm around him, your hips twitching under his touch. Your legs were trembling against his, but you were still able to hold yourself up most of the way as he continued nailing into you.

"That's it doll, squeeze around my cock," he encouraged you, and you obeyed, pulling a choked noise of ecstasy from his lips.

Your head dropped against his shoulder, throaty moans humming against your neck as he spilled inside of you, painting your tight walls with his release. You cried out his name when he slipped out of you, gasping as you tried to steady yourself.

Bucky gave you a minute, but his arm tightened around you when you tried to stand up all the way off of him to shut off the water.

"I'm not done with you yet, doll," Bucky stopped you, and you looked up at him. He planted a heavy kiss to your mouth, swallowing your moans as his fingers tugged at your nipples, sending jolts of arousal through your body. You were aching from the touches, your mind cloudy from your intense orgasm and the heat and steam.

His tongue slid along yours, filling your mouth and making noises of utter filth. He pulled your bottom lip between his teeth, the light pain snapping you back to attention.

"James," your breathy noises encouraged him, and he was determined to make you fall apart. He hummed your name, and you blinked slowly, your eyes fluttering shut.

Bucky reached forward and turned down the heat before detaching the showerhead. Your eyes flew open when you felt Bucky angle it directly at your clit, a scream tearing from your lips.

You were crying his name and pulling on his hair as got you off again, your entire body shaking from the overstimulation. You fought to fill your lungs with oxygen, and you yanked on his dark locks.

Bucky watched you writhe against him, screaming his name from the pressure of the showerhead. It was more intense than your toys, and you were already extremely sensitive from the first orgasm. Your hips jerked as he tore a second orgasm from you, and you were squealing from the overstimulation.

"I love hearing you squeal my name, doll."

"B-Bucky-!" his name came out in a breathy, broken pant. You were trying to warn him that you felt lightheaded, but your head was too fuzzy to get it out clearly.

You collapsed in Bucky's arms, and he caught you as you fainted. He shut off the shower immediately, cleaning you up and drying off. He carried you into the bedroom, overwhelmed that he had made you come so much you fainted.

He slipped panties up your legs and one of his soft t-shirts over your head, laying you down in the soft sheets. When he came back from getting a glass of water, your eyes were opening slowly.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry," he apologized immediately, and you shook your head.

"It's okay, Bucky. I think it was just too hot in the shower," you assured him with a soft laugh. You sat up and he lifted the glass of water to your lips, telling you to drink. You took the glass, drinking it to hydrate. His vibranium hand gently rubbed the outside of your thigh, watching you.

"I'm fine, honey," you promised, reading his mind.

"Drink it all."

You finished the glass of water, relaxing back against the pillows. You set it aside and pulled Bucky to you, snuggling up to his warm body. He played with the hem of your shirt, and you drifted off in his arms.

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