open wide: blurb (smut)

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Bucky's hands gently brushed tears that escaped from your eyes, humming at you softly.

"You're doing so good for me, doll," he praised you, and you whined around him, your mouth and throat full.

You'd been complaining about Bucky not giving you enough attention all morning, grinding down on his lap while he worked at his computer. He'd warned you and held your hips still, but you'd been squirming and whining, begging to have your needs satiated.

"All I want his your cock, daddy," you'd flashed wide doe eyes at him, and he'd given in.

Bucky had gotten you off of his lap to kneel on the floor in front of him, and you'd happily blown him, enjoying the feeling of sucking him off and bringing him pleasure.

You'd even gazed up into those green eyes and been good and swallowed as he came down your throat, making his eyes roll back. You tried to pull off of him and he stopped you, gripping your hair and rolling his hips forward to settle back inside, the head just brushing the back of your throat and making your eyes water.

"No, baby, you wanted daddy's cock so bad, you're going to sit there and warm me."

A twisted pleasure at his dominance settled in your belly, and you obeyed, resting your head against his thigh and keeping his cock in your mouth. You focused on breathing and tried not to gag and choke, and he hushed you softly, stroking through your hair as he continued to work.

You struggled to sit still as he spoke on the phone, eyes watering as he pushed your head back down when you started to slip off. You whined softly and he gave you a warning look. He turned the speaker off before speaking, giving you a final warning for your insolence.

"If you keep making noises while daddy's on the phone, I'm putting a vibrator in your pussy, and I'm going to leave it there for the rest of the afternoon." You immediately quieted down and held still, not wanting to be tortured after Bucky had already made you come twice in bed before you got up that morning.

You were made to sit through multiple meetings with him in your mouth, his colleagues on videochat having no idea about the activities happening under his desk while they spoke. Your jaw ached and your throat felt raw, spit smearing down your lips and chin, mixing with your salty tears.

You were deep in subspace, all conscious thought fading as you focused on being obedient for Bucky and breathing through the sharp ache of your jaw. Your eyes had glazed over, and Bucky was itching for his last meeting to end so he could relieve you. He had felt you twitch and your soft whines alerted him of your discomfort. He was proud of you for managing to be good for almost two hours, and when he looked down to see the glazed-over eyes, he understood why.

Once Bucky was off the phone he said your name, your eyelashes brushing against your cheeks as you blinked. He pulled you off, allowing you to close your mouth. He carefully wiped your face, and himself, off before pulling you up to stand on weak legs.

"Daddy," you whined softly, and he brushed hair from your face, looking at you.

"What is it, doll?"

"My jaw is all achey."

"You're sore from having me in your mouth for so long?" Bucky asked, swiping his thumb over your pouty lips.

"Mhm, you're too big, daddy." The words came out in a soft and breathy whine that drove him mad.

Bucky's eyes rolled back and he resisted the urge to bend you over his desk and pound into you. He opened his eyes and looked back down at you with amused sympathy.

"My poor baby," he leaned down and kissed you, deciding to be gentle with you while you were in subspace.

He lifted you up and carried you to bed, holding you in his arms, your head resting on his abdomen. You winced as he began to gently massage your jaw, whining loudly.

Bucky shook his head, hushing you as his hands held your head, helping relieve the pain in your jaw.

"You need to come back to me, doll. Need to get you out of the cloudy mind," Bucky hummed, and you shook your head.

"No, daddy," you breathed, the ache slowly fading. He leaned down and kissed you, using a washcloth to gently clean your face. You sighed softly, completely faded.

Bucky took his time nursing you back to reality, showering you with attention and warmth. You spent the evening snuggled into his side, wearing one of his big sweatshirts.

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