sharp: blurb (smut)

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tw: knife play

"Frightened?" Sinister laughter sent chills down your spine.

You were backed against the wall as the winter soldier came toward you, a knife twisting between his fingers. The blade glinted in the dim light as it spun between vibranium fingers.

The soldier looked at you as if you were his prey, starved of intimacy. There was no way you would be able to outrun him, trapped between him and the wall. Your back touched plaster, and silver eyes scaled up your body, making you feel exposed.

You were shaking when the cool tip of the knife lightly traced over your collarbone and the swell of your breast. You tried to keep your chest from heaving, each breath pressing the blade just a bit further into your soft flesh.

"Careful, doll. Wouldn't want to hurt you."

You tried to plea with him, but no sound left your lips. You were frozen against the wall, only snapping out of it when the blade jerked up and sliced through the thin fabric of your bra. He dragged it across your chest, using as much pressure as possible without actually breaking the skin. He cut through the other side, ridding you of the garment completely.

You squeezed your eyes shut, whimpering as the blade tilted your chin up. Your breathing was ragged, and you felt small and weak under the predatory gaze. The metal was cool under the soft skin of your jaw, and you were terrified.

"Let me see those pretty eyes," he instructed, the weapon giving you no option other than obedience.

You gazed up at him, whimpering as he ran the tip of the knife down your sternum and over your belly. It tore through the lace at your hips, his devilish smirk burning into your mind.

"Come on, doll, spread your legs," Bucky kicked your feet apart, and you grasped his shoulders to keep you from falling over.

You nearly cried in fear as he knelt in front of you, the knife still in-hand. His wicked grin terrorized you, and he flipped the knife around in his hand, the handle facing you. You were frozen still as he dragged the cold metal between your folds before pressing it in and fucking you with it. He reveled in the feeling of you digging your nails into his shoulder, the pain only encouraging him.

"Be good doll, or I'll use the other end."

Bucky Barnes OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now