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"I-m... S-orry.. Gun..." New was crying while speaking, He slowly came closer and took my hands, I immediately avoided that. It hurts me to see him cry but they cheated on me, they made me look like a fool! It hurts to think that your friend and your boyfriend cheated on you!

I felt my tears dripping. "FUCK SHIT NEW!" That's all that really came out of my mouth, the pain of my heart was like being squeezed with extreme pain. My whole body was shaking and I didn't know what to do with nothing I could think of.

"I'll explain to you Love." Tay took my hands and I immediately removed my hand, before I pushed him. I leaned against the wall and cried, wanting to cry, crying and crying until I couldn't feel the pain and I wanted to hurt him to relieve the pain I was feeling. But I can't hurt him! I love him so much but he just cheated on me!

The three of us just remained silent and we stayed like that for a few minutes. No one dared to speak to the two of them.

I wiped away my tears and took a deep breath before looking at the two of them without realizing that they were kneeling in front of me while crying. "When did it start?" I calmly asked them. Tay immediately looked at me. I avoided looking at him and I waited for his answer.

"O-ne..year ... ago." He stammered but that was enough for me to understand. "I'm sorry Gun we didn't really mean ... That we would fall for each other." He added while still crying. My god Tay, you have a boyfriend, don't you think about that?

I looked at the two of them, they held hands. I could feel them trembling, they were both scared but I didn't care I was hurt either and they did worse to me. "So ... YOU were flirting while I was busy with MY WORK!" I really intended to strengthen the other part of what I was saying so that they would feel how angry I am.

Because I'm a writer, I can't blame Tay if he was able to cheat on me because I only have so little time to give him, I spend most of my time in writing the Story. Ever since the stories I made were given life. I will be very grateful to finally bring to life the stories I make and I am very happy because my works have finally become famous. But I don't know that my own love story will be affected. I want to fight for what Tay and I have, but how? If what I see indicates that he loves New more and he will obviously choose New.

They just kept quiet and didn't answer my question, so I just sighed, before asking again. "Choose Tay! ME or New ?!" I said angrily to Tay, I stared him in the eyes but he avoided looking at me. He tightened his grip on New's hand and remained silent and just bent their head.

I can't stand to see them both like this, it hurts me so much. I just nodded in front of them and left, walking slowly as if my world had collapsed . I could hear a loud sound of walking so I accelerated my steps that I was almost running.

"Gun! Please let's talk about this!" Tay yelled at me as he chased me.

I stopped walking and faced him as I cried. "Let's split up Tay! We don't have to talk anymore! I've seen enough of you and my friend. And I hope you don't cheat on my friend like you did to me, because I might really kill you! " He stopped talking and just stood there crying.

He still has no clothes on and I can see the marks on his body that they did before.

I left and continued walking I don't know where I'm going now as long as I know my chest hurts a lot.

I did everything for our relationship. I fought for him to my family even though my parents kicked me out because I chose him.

"What's wrong Tay? Didn't you say you'll stay by my side until I become a successful writer? What happened Tay?" Those are just some of my questions that I don't know what the answer is.

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