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"What are we going to do with them if we can't kill them?"

I handed them a bag which contained a handkerchief and a sleeping spray. If we spray the handkerchief and put it on the nose, they will not be able to fight back because their body will weaken.

"Let's hurry. I'm having trouble breathing."

I nodded to Aom, I was also having trouble breathing but I had to endure the pain of my heart so we could save her children. We put on a face mask before we slowly entered Gun’s parent’s house.

The surroundings are quiet and there are people watching outside. One by one we put them to sleep and tied their hands and feet. We did that for about an hour and then we quietly went inside.

We could hear someone crying and screaming and I could feel the pain of their cry. We followed the noise where it came from, as we approached I suddenly heard Gun's voice screaming in pain.

My whole body felt like an electric shock when I heard that. Suddenly my whole body weakened and I could barely breathe from the pain I was feeling in my chest. Thankfully, Tay came up to me and supported me.

"Don't forget to breathe if you don't want to get hit." Tawan whispered.

Aom ran while her hand was on her chest. We followed her and when we got to the place where the noise came from my eyes widened. Gun was sitting on the floor with his back leaning on the table while Arm aimed a gun at his forehead.

I could hardly recognize Gun with his excessive bruises on his body and face, I wanted to approach him but Tay stopped me.

"NO! Don't kill our son!"Aom shouted and she knelt on the floor. "Please listen to me, don't kill our son ..." She begged Arm.

They turned in our direction. We didn't move because Arm might fire the gun at Gun if we approached them. I cried when I saw Gun in this situation, I felt sorry for my baby, it was all my fault if I watched over him carefully, he wouldn't be like this.

Arm tightened his grip on the gun. "What are you talking about ?!" He asked Aom angrily.

"Saint and Gun are twins and forgive me if I lied to you." Aom said as she sobbed.

Arm backed away and he was confused. "We only have one son and that's Saint."

Gun and Saint were shocked by what they heard. They both looked at each other and cried, knowing it was wrong timing when they both found out they were siblings but you could see in their eyes that they were happy with what they found out.

Aom stood up and approached Arm. "I'm telling the truth that I gave birth to twins, you don't know it because I hid it from you. I only did that to protect Gun, I know you are very angry with Atthaphan but remember that Atthaphan is dead and Gun is our son. Yes, Atthaphan's soul is in Gun's body but have mercy on our son. " He grabbed Arm's hand but Arm removed it.

He pointed the gun at Gun again. "I don't care if he's my son or who he is!"

I ran away from Tay and hurried over to Gun but I stopped when Arm spoke. "Take one more step and you'll regret it if you don't listen to me!"

I was stunned and my knees shaking. I don't want to lose Gun again, I can't handle that if that happens.

Perth approached Saint, he untied him and he hugged Saint tightly.

Aom dropped her bag and snatched something from inside her bag. A gun and she pointed it at Arm. "All right, shoot that at him if you want me to shoot it at your head too." She said seriously to her husband.

Arm laughed out loud but Aom was looking at him seriously. I don’t expect Aom to have this kind of side, it is a proof that she is a good mother to her children that she can do everything for her children even if in return it is the loss of her happiness.

"Can we talk about this Arm?" I said calmly.

"Dad we can still rebuild our family with Gun and we'll be happier if that happens."

I was desperate to approach Gun but I couldn't ignore what Arm told me. I know Gun asked for help from snakes earlier but it was dangerous because he had someone with him. Fortunately, I have the power to control snakes.

"I loved you so much. I do not regret that I loved and chose you. Please, Let go of the past and love what you have now. Do you want to lose your family again? I know that you went through something painful and you only did what happened before because your mother instigated you, but remember that everyone will also make mistakes and it's up to us whether we repeat it or correct it."

Arm screamed, he covered his ear and he knelt on the floor. I can see in him that he did not like to hear again what he went through before. I don't know what he went through before but I hope he listens to Aom.


He trembled with fear and looked around. I don’t know what he was afraid of but I could see in his eyes the fear and pain. Did he have trauma in his past, that's why this is how he reacted when Aom mentioned his past?

I approached Gun and I untied the rope from his hand. I support him by sitting on the sofa. I motioned for Tay to approach Arm to comfort him but when Tay touched him, Arm suddenly became aggressive. He didn't want to get close to Tay and he threw the things he could handle as well as the gun. Fortunately, Tay was not hit when he threw the gun at him.

Earth handed me a glass of water. I help Gun drink some water. "I'm sorry my love." I whispered to him. He just smiled bitterly at me and hugged me tightly. I caressed his back and planted a kiss on his forehead. I just looked at Arm as Gun leaned over me and closed his eyes.

"Come on love, I won't hurt you."

Arm looked like a little cat as he hugged himself. Aom approached him and hugged him, Aom whispered something to him and Arm just nodded. But what happened next was not what we really expected.

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