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I am now in front of the church. I looked around hoping that Jumpol would appear to save me from this wedding. I hope Papi was just joking with me, I hope his text to me earlier wasn't true.

"You said you were my savior? But where are you now? I need your help Papi ... Please save me from this situation ..." I whispered to myself.

"Are you hoping that your most beloved boyfriend will come here? Stop expecting because he's mine." She opened his phone and she showed me the picture of the two of them where they were together in bed and without clothes.

My jaw dropped, I couldn’t believe what I saw. it was as if cold water had been poured all over my body.

The night was getting darker but it was time to start the wedding ceremony. I was slowly walking down the aisle, while looking at the seats. I was looking for New, but I can't find him.

My tears flowed. Even my best friend didn't attend my wedding day.

As I approach the altar I see Arm with a wide smile etched on his lip.

I would be happy now if you were my groom, maybe it would be nice to feel if we both swore here in front of the altar.

"My bride is beautiful." Arm whispered in my ear as he held my hand towards the altar.

I was scared of him, I didn’t know what he intended for me to marry me.

"Don't be afraid of me, I love you Atthaphan I've been following you for a long time. Don't worry after our wedding tonight we'll run away tomorrow morning, we'll go away from mom so she doesn't hurt you. We'll build our own family."

He looked in my eyes but I avoided him.

Before the wedding ceremony began, I heard someone objecting to my wedding.

"Stop the wedding!" 

I turned around, I saw my best friend with both of my eyes. I blinked my eyes a few times to make sure what I was seeing was correct.

"Don't listen to him! Continue the wedding!" Arm's mom shouted. Then her eyes glazed over at New in rage. She approached New so I immediately ran closer to New to protect him.

"Atthaphan, you can't marry him! J-umpol ... hmmm .. He has a wound ... his wound is serious." New said to me. There were tears forming in her eyes. I knelt on the floor at what I heard.

"Why did he have a wound?" I asked him while looking at the floor crying.

"You are the reason!" New shouted.

I looked at him who he was talking to, he was facing Arm as it pointed at him

"What are you saying New? I don't know anything about that!" He stuttered in response to New.

"Get out of here New, before I drag you out of here!"

The guests got into a commotion, I could hear whispers but I ignored them. I still wanted to speak but New pulled me out of the church.

"We have to hurry for Jumpol." I just followed New. 

New suddenly stopped running because someone was calling on his phone, he immediately answered it.

"Hello? Yes dada!  I'm with Atthaphan. We're going there."

New let go of my hand and I saw his tears dripping. I knew what he was implying, I cried and sobbed in tears.

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