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"Dad ?!" I shouted.

I wonder why our house is quiet and there is an unfamiliar car parked in our yard. We went inside the house, the surroundings were very quiet. I went to dad's room to see if he was there but he wasn't here and there was no sign of him.

Saint clung to my arm and whispered to me. "Isn't this a trap Gun?"

I looked at him and I was stunned. What if it's just a trap? How many years did dad not call me because he didn't have my number but what if what Leo said is true? We went out of dad's room and we checked all the corners of the house but no one was there so we just went to the living room.

We sat on the sofa and looked at the door when suddenly a familiar person entered, he was wearing a hat and his clothes were black. He sat in front of us and crossed his legs.

"Long time no see Gun."

I recognized his voice and got to know him better when he took off his hat. 'Arm?' Saint pinched me on the side of my waist. "That's exactly what I thought before." Saint whispered to me.

I could see the nervousness and fear on Saint's face. I took his hand and held it to calm him down, I was also nervous about the danger in front of us.

He smirked. "You think you can escape me Saint?"

Nothing has changed in him like he used to be a handsome man with bad intentions towards me the only difference now is that he and his son are involved in his anger towards me. I'm nervous and I'm about to faint from the fear of meeting him.

"It's funny to think that, even in the second life you're still obsessed with me, are you that crazy when it comes to me Arm?" I boldly told him.

I wasn’t showing him that I was afraid of him. I have to be brave now for Saint, Perth will definitely kill me because I brought Saint to his dangerous father. He stood up and another person entered the living room, dad and Leo. Dad's hands were tied as Leo pushed him.

"Tie up those two reprimanded children!" He commands Leo.

I screamed as Leo pushed my father to the floor, he approached us and he tied our hands with a rope. The rope must have left a bruise on our hand from his overly tight tie.

"Please tell the others to keep a close eye on the surroundings and inform me when Off arrives, and don't feed them or give them water to drink." After he spoke he went out.

"Don't do anything to hurt you if you don't want me to beat you!" He pointed at us, before he left the living room.

I looked at Saint, he just lower his head while crying. "I'm sorry Saint, I wish I had listened to you earlier .." I said sadly.

My tears wanted to drip but I just held it back. If I had only listened to Saint earlier, we would not have been like this. I looked at dad where he was on the floor while his hands were also tied. He was also looking at me and his eyes were already watering.

Off I need you...

It made me cry to think of our situation now and that I made them all worried there.

"It's not your fault Gun. You're just worried about your father."

I just lower my head while crying. Why didn't I think of that before?

"Gun. It's not your fault, it's my fault because I don't think Arm will know that you have a connection with me, even if I kicked you out before. He still knew everything and he used me because he knew I was your weakness."

I cried even more because I understand everything now, why he just kicked me so easily before. Because he had to do that for my safety and I thought all this time he really kicked me out before just because I was gay.

Dad sat comfortably on the floor. I looked out the window where a man was standing outside, maybe he was one of those guarding us so we couldn’t escape from it.

"Gun." Dad called me so I turned to him. "Forgive me if I kept something secret from you."

"What's that?"

"The truth is, I'm not your real father, Off gave you to us and we have to take care of you because that's his order in exchange for the wealth I have now. "

Dad sobbed. I was stunned by what he told me. Is he telling the truth or is he just joking? But who is an idiot to joke in this situation.

"Dad. That's not a good joke, no matter what you say I don't believe it. Do you always eat at the right time?" I told him.

I turned to Saint, his mouth gaping as his eyes widened. "Do you think your father would be joking in this situation of ours?" Saint said weakly.

"Believe it or not what I told you is true, but I really loved you as my  child of mine, even though it hurts me, I need to let you go  for the sake of your safety and mine."

What dad tells me still doesn't sink into my mind, my brain is having a hard time processing now with so much happening today. I just stared at the floor trying to soothe myself in tears.

"If you're not my real father then where are my real parents?"

He shook his head. "I don't know, only Off knows everything." He answered me.

Off knew my whole being but he never told me who my real parents were. Why did not you tell me? Maybe later or tomorrow Off will be my father, with so many hidden truths in my life that I don't know yet. What do I not know except my real parents?

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