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Arm looked like a little cat as he hugged himself. Aom approached him and hugged him, Aom whispered something to him and Arm just nodded.

We just stared at them both. Arm looks like a lunatic based on his personality right now, he cries like a baby as Aom hugs him. But what happened next was not what we really expected.While Aom was hugging Arm, we suddenly heard a loud bang.

We were all shocked by what happened. Aom shot Arm in the chest. Arm fell to the floor as he was bleeding and dying.

"Daddy!" Saint screamed as he immediately approached his Father. But as he held his Father, Aom pointed the gun at his forehead again.

"No! Please ..." Gun pleaded. Gun moved and I supported him immediately.

"Gun and Saint. Always remember that mommy loves you and forgive me if I do this, this is the only way before Arm kills you and I can't live without him so I will follow him. Gun, you are the older brother, please take good care of Saint and I hope you get along. " She closed her eyes as tears flowed." I love you my babies and goodbye. "


"NO!" Gun and Saint said in sync.

Aom fired the gun at her forehead then she was lying on the floor, bloody and not breathing. We were all stunned by the events except Saint and Gun who were both screaming and crying because of the pain. I hugged Gun to comfort him but he didn't stop crying until he passed out. It's a good thing I caught him right away.

I motioned for my comrades to fix everything and they nodded but I could see in their faces that they also did not expect this to be the outcome of everything.

I carried Gun out of the house while Perth was supporting Saint. I slowly laid Gun down in the back of my car then I went back inside the house to talk to the man who had been his father since he was young. I saw Tay and Earth wrapping the two corpses, I just passed them and I went to the old man who was just sitting on the sofa.

"Thanks for everything and I won't be staying here for long because Gun needs me by his side." He just nodded at me so I immediately got back in the car.

"Tell Gun to call and let him visit me sometime here at home." I smiled and nodded.

I started the car and drove home. I breathed a sigh of relief that we finally didn't have to hide anymore and we were all together. My children have different last names and they lived in another country for a long time, they just came back here when Gun grew up and we made sure everyone that Arm would never know it before. Now they can use my last name and we can live freely and happily.

When I arrived at the mansion I saw them waiting in the living room, I first brought Gun into the room and laid him on the bed. I checked him with Bright even though I knew he was okay, I still wanted to make sure I didn't have to worry about Gun's condition. I looked at Bright carefully as he examined Gun.

"You don't have to worry about mommy, he just fainted from exhaustion and because he was beaten." He arranges his belongings and leaves the room.

I cleaned Gun's body and treated his bruises and wounds on his lip, he had many bruises from Arm. I don't know if Gun can handle everything that happened before, but I am always by his side I will not leave him and I will help him recover from that incident.

After I cleaned Gun I went into the bathroom to take a shower, after I took a shower I got dressed and went to the living room when everyone was waiting for me, I sat on the sofa next to dada.

"Perth has already told us what happened there. All you have to do now is take care of Gun."

I just gasped."Yes Papa." I say weakly.

While we were sitting quietly in the living room the door suddenly opened so we all looked away. They had returned with two small jars.

Tay laid it on the table. "There's the ashes of Arm and Aom."

I just stared at the two jars as they were already sobbing. It is painful to accept but all the unexpected has happened and we can do nothing but accept it.

"Everyone pack up and we'll be back in Thailand when Gun wakes up so get ready."

They all just nodded and smiled bitterly. I can see they are happy that we can go back to Thailand but they also have pain in their hearts and I know what the reason is.

6 months later....

The past few months have not been easy for me, I have been taking care of Gun because he was traumatized by what happened before and all of a sudden he shouted and ran in extreme fear. I thought he would never recover and we were all worried about his condition, but now he is well and he is back to normal. He also slowly understood everything and with Saint's help he was easily healed.

"The view is beautiful especially the one in front of me." I turned around to look at the owner of the voice.

I pulled him and sat him on my lap. "Did you enjoy your shopping?" I asked him, he nodded.

We also avoid talking about what happened in the past for the good sake of everyone especially Gun. We had to go back to the province where I grew up and where it all came from. We have to break the curse so that we can live as normal people.

"When are we going to leave back to the province?"

"Tomorrow." He just nodded.

"When I get everything back to normal, will nothing bad happen to me?"

I nodded even though I didn’t know what would happen to him after he got everything back to normal. I hope nothing bad happens, I want to know but I can't figure out the future but I'll only know when we're there.

"Do you believe in destiny?" I asked him out of the blue.

He looked at me and stared at my whole face. "Yeah, everything happened for a reason and everything was destined. It's like you and I are destined for each other."

I giggled at him. "And how did you say that?"

"Because if two people are destined for each other, destiny will make way for you to meet again to continue that lingering love." After he spoke he kissed me.

I don’t know if destiny is real or not but for me it’s up to the person which one you want to choose for your life and who you love.

For me love is a choice.

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