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"Good evening majesty." They all greeted me.

"Good evening too." I made Tay and New sit down before I sat down at the end, where there was a seat vacant. I looked at Bright. "Is everything complete?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "No dad, grandfather's and Mild are not here." I was shocked by what he said.

I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down. I can’t help but worry for their safety, what if Arm catches them? What will I do?

"What are those two doing here?" I turned to Gun where he was furiously looking at Tay and New. Suddenly, I had no idea how to explain to him, my body was shaking and I was nervous.

I bit my lip before I answered. "Gun, please don't be mad at them, they're not safe if they leave here."

Gun looked at me wickedly. "And why? I don't care what happens to them!" He shouted. His whole face turned red with rage. Mix calmed him down by stroking Gun's back, but it didn't calm him down.

"Listen to me first Gun." I calmly told him.

He answered me with a frown. "Why?" He raised his eyebrow and stood up in his seat. "Are you afraid I will find out? That you're just playing me and you're the only one who enjoys the game?

I just kept quiet and didn't answer him, I felt guilty for what he was saying, I didn't even play with him but it seemed like that because he grew up not knowing the truth, I deprived him of the truth that he should know.

"Gun, calm down first." Saint approached Gun to calm him down but when he grabbed Gun, he pushed him away.

"What? You were silent because what I said was true? He said sarcastically.

I was angry at what he said. "FUCK! CAN YOU LISTEN TO ME FIRST? BEFORE YOU THINK OF NONSENSE THINGS ?!" I shouted at him, I have so many problems and I don't know which one to solve first.

The door opened and Papa and Dada entered. "What's going on here?" Dada asked.We just kept quiet and no one answered him. He approached Gun, where Gun was already crying. "Baby, what happened why are you crying?" Gun cried harder.

I felt sorry for Gun to see him cry. "I'm sorry Gun. I didn't mean to yell at you." I apologized to him.

Dada looked at me angrily. "What are you doing again Jumpol Adulkittiporn?"

"I'm sorry Dada. I didn't really mean to make him cry."

Papa sat down and then spoke. "Fix that mess." I nodded at him.

After a while we were quiet, only Gun's cries could be heard in the living room.

"Maybe you want to talk about it, we'll leave you two first, so you can talk in depth and for that to be clear before we have dinner." Singto said breaking the silence.

I spoke immediately. "No. You're not leaving here, we'll answer all your questions Ba- .. ah. Gun." I want them all here so Gun can believe I'm telling him the truth. I approached Gun, Dada left and I stood beside Gun. I hugged him. "Shh ... Don't cry Gun.

I sat him down slowly, I touched his chin and lifted it to look at me. I wiped his tears, his eyes were red from crying. I smiled at him. "From now on I will not keep a secret from you and I will not lie to you." His eyes widened.

"Really?" He was hesitant about what I was telling him. I nodded at him.

He looked all over my face as if he was looking for something, and when he found it, he stared into my eyes. "I don't know who you are, but there's a place in my heart that seems to have known you for a long time." I smiled at what he said, at least even in his second life he still didn't lose his true feelings for me.

He smiled at me and touched my cheek. "Who are you really Off Jumpol? I'm confused by how I feel." I held his hands, I turned to Dada and Papa to ask permission to talk about something important. They both nodded at me.

"I am Jumpol Adulkittiporn, we are not ordinary people, but of all of us, I am the only one who has power. We have lived in this world for a long time, but we have to hide and conceal our identity so that our enemies cannot find us. And we look forward to your return to this world because you are our only hope."

He let go of my hands. "Excuse me? ... Me..return to this world? The hope?" He pointed to himself. "Hope for what? Because, honestly I don't know how to fight, I only know how to write stories and nothing else. So stop saying that."

"I'm telling the truth Gun. Your life is in danger because our enemy knows you exist. And they want to take you and use your blood so they can complete the ritual." When they get Gun. I'm sure it's the end of everything.

I'm sorry Gun if your life is in danger, it all started because of me, I failed to protect you, I'm not there when you need me, I became a loser and weak. But now I will never let the past happen again. I will protect you until my last breath.

He frowned. "Why me? I mean there are many of you, I can't save you guys, I'm not a hero I'm just a normal person in the world and I have no power."

"I'm sorry if I interrupt your conversation. Gun, you're not a normal person. You're like us. You're an immortal person living in this world. The only difference is that, you grow up with normal people, you think you're normal but not because you are like us. " Dada said.

He leaned back in the chair, he patted his cheeks, he couldn't believe what he heard. "And my parents knew it?" His tears were already forming in her eyes. I nodded at him. He turned around and they nodded as well, he burst into tears."I want to go home.."

I hugged him and he buried his face in my chest as he continued to cry. "I'm sorry Gun." I stroked his hair and kissed it. I miss him so much, I waited several years for his return and now that he is here, I will never leave him and I will protect him no matter what happens.

He punched me softly in the chest. "Why did you hide it from me?" I raised his face. "You're so unfair, It hurts so much to accept that you were just fooling me while I was growing up. "

My clothes are already wet because of his tears. I love you so much Gun. My love for you hasn't changed since the beginning. I know you're a different person now and most of all, I know you don't love me because you love someone else and it's not me. I'm afraid of being left alone again. I don't want to lose him I'm afraid he won't accept the truth and he will leave here.Tears streamed down my cheeks. It broke my heart to see him like this. I always whispered sorry to him but he didn't seem to hear anything, he continued to cry. I looked at his face, his eyes closed as the tears continued to flow, his nose and cheeks were red while his kissable lips seemed so delicious.

He was about to speak but I pressed my lips to his. His eyes widened and he tried to push me away but I hugged him tighter. I don’t know what went into my mind, but I kissed him suddenly. He bit my lower lips, he looked at me furiously, he rubbed his lip and he slapped me. He stood up and walked a few steps but he suddenly fainted and he fell to the floor. I immediately approached him and lifted him up in a bridal style. I turned to them but they averted my gaze.

"Guys eat first, don't wait for us. And Singto bring a clean towel and warm water to my room" After I spoke I hurried out of the living room to head to my room. I melted in shame at what I had done before.

I slowly laid Gun down on the bed. he passed out because of too much crying. I cover him with a blanket half his body while waiting for Singto.

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