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"If my sister survived before, where is she now?" I asked New.

I want to know where my sister is. We are not siblings in this life, but for me she is still my half sister. I wanted to know how she was doing now, if she was happy, and if she had a husband and children.

New averted his eyes from me. "A -ah .. How can I explain this to you ... Maybe I shouldn't be the one to tell you about this. I mean, I don't know how to explain it to you. Maybe ..." New's words to me were interrupted when Saint called us.

"Gun?! .... Off has arrived from his company!"

I stood up and patted New's shoulder. He took a deep breath and stroked his chest.

I nodded to Saint. "Let's continue our conversation later New. I'll just go to Papi first." After I spoke I hurried into the house with Saint.

I missed him even though we hadn't seen each other for a few hours. Is it normal that I feel this way about him? Because I wasn't like this before when Tay was my boyfriend. When we entered the house I met Earth and Tay. I smiled at them.

"Oh ... Why are you standing in front of the door?" I looked at Dada Gulf as he was holding a glass of water.

He looked at me and he looked at the glass of water he was holding. "Ah .. I would have given it to Jumpol. But since you're here, I'll give it to you so you can give it to him. He's in the living room." I accepted the glass and nodded at him.

I left them and went to the living room. I saw Off lying on the sofa as he slept soundly. I set the glass down on the table and I approached him slowly. There was a look of tiredness on his face, I didn't wake him up.

He's really handsome, I won't get tired of watching his face all day. I kissed his forehead softly so he wouldn't wake up. "I love you so much Papi, I will never leave you alone in this world again." I whispered to him.

I stood up and looked for a sticky note in the drawer. When I found it I wrote it down and glued it to the glass.

"What are you doing?" He hugged me.

I turned to him and smiled. "Hehehehe .... Did I disturb your sleep? So-." My speech was interrupted because he kissed me suddenly on my lips.

I pushed him softly and he averted my gaze. "I'm s- sorry ..." He said shyly.

I grabbed his chin and ordered him to look at me. I captured his lip, his eyes widened.

He closed his eyes slowly so I closed my eyes as well.

I heard someone coughing. We both stopped what we were doing to see who is ruining our moment.

"I'm sorry if I disturbed what you're doing." Jane said shyly. She’s Chimon’s mother but I don’t know why they didn’t get along with her son.

Off put his arm around me. "Why did you call Gun?" Off asked him.

Jane was nervous at Off's question. "A -ah. Dada is looking for him." After she spoke she quickly left.

Off and I looked at each other, we both couldn't understand why Jane was acting like that.

Off followed Jane.

I went to the kitchen to cook our dinner when I got to the kitchen I caught them Dada, Saint and New laughing while they were doing something. It was fun to watch them so I smiled as I looked at them I slowly approached where they were.

Dada noticed me and New and Saint turned around. "Would you like to help us Gun? We're cooking our dinner." I nodded to Dada.

I helped them prepare our dinner and we happily cooked in the kitchen until we finished what we were doing as the four of us chatted.

After we cooked
When we finished cooking all the dishes we wanted to cook, we put it on the dining table  and we also prepared the plates, glasses, spoons and forks. I ordered Singto to call everyone so that we could all have dinner but I wondered, why Jane and Papi had not arrived at the table for a few minutes while we were waiting for them.

I stood up in my chair to look for them, Singto told me they were talking in the garden. I went to the garden to look for them I saw them two standing while facing the beautiful flowers in the garden, as I approached them I could hear them talking they were obviously arguing.

"I don't know how I'm going to explain it to him." Jane said. 

Papi took a deep breath. "I'll explain to him. After all, he's also my son." I stopped walking at what I heard.

Papi has another child? Who? And who is the mother of his child? There are many questions in my mind, my heart ached when I heard that. Then Papi is married but why did he agree to be my boyfriend?

I cleared my throats and took a deep breath, I calmed myself before I called them. "Papi, Jane. Let's go inside for dinner. We're just waiting for you guys." They were both surprised and their eyes widened as they turned to me. I smiled and I did not let them know that I heard what they were talking about.

Off approached me. "Did you hear what we were talking about?" Off asked me nervously.

I smiled and shook my head at him. I invited them to come inside, we ate quietly. I knew that my companion noticed that everything was not okay and most of all I knew that Papi knew how I was feeling and what I was thinking but he had no explanation for it.

After we ate I hurried into the room to take a shower before I went to bed. After Off took a shower he immediately opened his laptop and he just ignored me. I want to talk to him about what I heard before but I don't know how.

What if he told me that he loved someone else while he was waiting for me before?

No! He can't love anyone else, he should only love me.

What if the things he tells me that he loves me are not true?

"A -aaaah !!" I can't help but be annoyed with what I'm thinking right now. My head ached thinking about the questions I didn't know which one I should answer first even though I didn't know the answer.

"Come here. You've been thinking bad thoughts for a while." I looked at Papi. His eyes were full of concern and fear that I didn't know what he was afraid of. I approached him and sat on the lap as I hugged him, he hugged me too and he caressed my back.

" You are the only one I love, from the beginning and until now even in the present." He whispered to me.

I stared into his eyes. "Are you hiding something from me?" I asked him.

He nodded at me. "Forgive me. Chimon doesn't know he's our son yet and I'm afraid he hates us. I hope you understand me and most of all I have no other loved one, I'm not married to someone else, I'm waiting for your return because you promised me you would come back to me. " He smiled at me.

I don't know why but all of a sudden I calmed down and I couldn't bear to sulk with him. What if it's just a trap? He just makes me believe so I don't get mad at him and I don't leave him. But, what is his relationship with Jane?

"Jane is just my friend and she raised Chimon so I'm very grateful to her. Don't even think badly you're just hurting yourself."

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