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I slowly opened the drawer and a small red box popped up in front of me with a notebook under it. I took the red box and opened it, when I opened it I saw a beautiful gold ring. After I looked at it I put it aside and picked up the notebook.

I gasped as I read what was in this notebook. Here are written all his dreams which really happened to me. I also found out he was sick, I have stage four brain cancer and it is written in the notebook that when he recovers from this disease he will propose to Gun.

My tears flowed from what I read, they were Gun's childhood friends and he already loved Gun at a young age. I put the notebook back in the drawer and hung up the picture. I put the small box in my pocket before heading downstairs.


I'm happy that we finally know the answer to all of Off's questions.
When we were young he often dreamed about the two of us in which we had strange powers. He was always telling me stories and I in turn seemed to be missing something in myself and I felt it had something to do with Off's dream. But now I know the answer to why that happened because there is something really missing in myself which is the love that Off and I had in our first life.

I am very guilty of the people who used to live in a small town
Where that night I was consumed with anger and grief. This time, I will correct that all my mistakes that night even in our second life, wait... it's not a second life because it's just imagination where their souls are imprisoned because I cursed them.

Last night Off and I had the courage to enter the world where our souls are imprisoned and we succeeded. That world is full of lies but because of that I also found out Arm's true motive before in my first life.

When we entered that world we suddenly forgot all the memories here in our world but there are many similarities there and here. The only difference are our children already have husbands except for Chimon and P'Aom who became my mother and P'Arm became my father who is now P'Aom's fiance.

We didn't call the elders there Phi because maybe it was Off and I before, we didn't know that because my parents didn't teach me how to address the elders. Off, on the other hand, used to be here in Thailand and they came from Italy.

"Hey! Are you worried about P'Off's illness?"

That snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned to Saint and smiled.

"Isn't he well with his stage four cancer?" Perth asked.

I shook my head at him. "We came from the doctor yesterday for his last check up and the doctor said that a miracle happened to Off because he suddenly recovered from his brain cancer, the doctors were surprised and even Off and I. Maybe it's because of our prayers?" I smiled at them warmly.

"You two have children so maybe God doesn't want to take Off because he feels sorry for you and the children who will be left behind." P'Arm said jokingly.

We just nodded at him and laughed at his joke. I could hear footsteps on the stairs so I looked, I knew it was Off.

Papa Mew approached him. "Finally son, we thought you didn't come down here." Papa Mew tapped Off on the shoulder and there was a look of concern on his face. "Did you have a headache again? What if we go to the doctor first before we continue the birthday party?"

Off shook his head at him. "No need Papa Mew. I'm fine." Papa Mew just nodded at Off's answer.

Off approached me and he put his arm around my waist, he buried his face in my neck.

"Awww ..." They all said at once.

I stroked Off's hair and held his two hands that were on my waist coiled.

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