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I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Promise me that no matter what I say, you won't blame yourself." I touched his shoulder, making sure everything was okay. He nodded at me.

I witnessed it when you suffered in your life and the pain you went through before. You are a monster in the eyes of other people as well as in your parents, but for me, you are a fragile person but you have become strong because of all the bitterness and hardship you have faced in life. You are a brave man, who never gives up on life's challenges.

I looked up at the sky. "That night was a nightmare for everyone and for you as well. "

"I'll tell you all why I wasn't there on your wedding night." He sobbed waiting for me to continue my speech.


Ring! .... Ring! ... I woke up to the sound of my phone, I looked at it and I wondered why Jumpol called me so early in the morning.

I yawned before I answered the call, I was still drowsy. "Hello?.. Really? Jumpol Adulkittiporn did you call me at this time ?!"

"Follow us here to the forest, near the church and cemetery."

"Okay okay! Wait for me."

I took my jacket and the car key. What happened to them again? Why they were out of the house at midnight? I passed Gun's house, there was a car parked outside their gate that was not theirs. I just ignored it and continued to drive the car.

When I arrived at the location that Jumpol texted me,
I saw him, he was carrying Atthaphan in his two arms. I parked the car in front of him. I got out of the car and opened the car door for him. They were in the backseat of the car, he smiled as he stroked my friend's hair.

I chuckled because he looked like a fool in what he was doing. "Are those in love really like that?" He looked at me and nodded. I couldn't help but laugh even more. "Okay! Whose house will I take you to?" I asked him and he immediately replied 'Atthaphan'. I just nodded at him.

As I was driving I noticed he was holding three small eggs in his hand while smiling looking at it.

"What is that?" I asked him.

He did not answer me, but he asked for a place to put the three eggs. I told him, he could put it in the small box and he put it in the small box and put it on the side of the seat.

We arrived at Atthaphan's house in just a few minutes.

"Wait for me here New." I just nodded at him.

He got out of the car and he lifted Atthaphan.

As they left I took the three eggs and stared at them intently. "Is it a bird's eggs?" But when I stared at it, I realized it wasn't a bird's egg because it was bigger than the birds eggs, but the chicken egg was even bigger.

A few minutes passed but Jumpol still couldn't come back so I got out of the car to follow him. As I approached the gate I heard someone arguing, I slowly approached them. I saw Jumpol, still carrying Atthaphan while he was facing Atthaphan's parents and Arm? What is he doing here?

Atthaphan was taken by his dad and entered inside the house.

"Atthaphan and I, are getting married tomorrow night, so from now on don't bother him and don't ever show up to him!" Arm said.

My jaw dropped at what I heard. How did my best friend get married to another man when he loves Jumpol so much? I tapped my face if I was dreaming now but, I was not dreaming but it was all true everything I heard and saw.

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