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A few days later, everything was okay except that no one could leave the house without a guard following us. Papi and I became more open with each other, in fact, we explained everything to Chimon slowly so that he wouldn't be surprised. At first he was confused  but later on he understood everything.

As mothers to my three children I do everything so that they can feel how much I love them. Papi explained to me everything that the night we met before where I fainted while we were talking to the goddess, I changed my form as the last time to lay eggs.

I know the story of my life is strange, if it's all a dream I can only ask for one thing that I used to never wake up because I am happy and contented with everything.

"Thinking about something?" I smiled at Jane.

She sat down next to me. "Hmm." I answered her with a nod.

"You know, before I didn't think you were nice but I made a mistake judging you right away at those times." She leaned back on the sofa and just stared at the ceiling.

I also don't blame her if that's her first impression of me, if I was in her situation I would think the same. I regretted that night if I hadn’t acted out my anger and resentment it wouldn’t have all come to this.

"We're just human beings and we have our own perspective on each other based on what we see." Everyone has different opinions and perspectives on each other, either good or bad. "I want to thank you for raising Chimon as a good child and being a good mother to him." I said sincerely to her.

She looked at me and smiled. "Thank you too for letting me remain Chimon's mother even though you know he's your son." The two of us hugged.

I am happy that she raised my son. She is a very good person, here in our world there are only a few people with a good heart like her.

Bang! I flinched as the door suddenly opened loudly, Jane and I looked at the door. Off, Tay and Earth were both breathless and sweaty. I picked up the tissue on the table and approached them, I handed Tay and Earth the tissue while I  wipe Off's face.

"Did someone chase you guys or did you race?" I asked them as I continued what I was doing.

I made them sit down and Jane took water from the kitchen. After they drank I ordered Off to get them dressed because their clothes were already wet.

"Do you want to tell me something?" I asked Off as I sat next to him.

"Aom called me earlier so we're in a hurry to come home here to check if you're okay." I frowned at what he said.

"And what have we got to do with what you and Aom talked about?" I asked in surprise but when I realized who called Off my eyes widened. "Wait, what? Are you referring to Aom who is my halft sister?" He nodded at me. "Where is she now? I want to see her and talk to her." I was excited to see my sister, I never thought they had communication with Off.

The three of them looked at each other before Off looked at me again, he took a deep breath and held my hands. "Aom is Arm's wife and he's on our side, he's the one who provides information about Arm's next plans. now you and Saint are in danger even our children so I have to watch over you carefully so that you will not be separated from me. Aom is currently seeking refuge in Thailand as he escaped from Arm's control."

My sister was in danger and not only her but we were all in danger. They are in danger because of me, I am what Arm needs, he should not hurt the others, he should only look for me to hurt, I hope nothing bad happens to my sister.

Off's eyes glazed over. "Stop what you're thinking, and don't ever make a decision that will hurt you." I nodded at him.

"Call everyone because we have something important to talk about." Off commands Earth.

Earth immediately nodded and stood up.

I needed to breathe fresh air outside as if I was having a hard time breathing what I learned now. I told Off that I want to go to the garden for a while so that I could calm myself down and he agreed.

I put my phone in my pocket before leaving and went to the garden, when I got to the garden I saw Saint standing while he was in deep thought. I leaned over him, he just turned to me and smiled so I smiled at him too.

We just stood quietly while meditating until my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket and looked at who had called, it was just my father. I was nervous as I answered my father's call.

"Yes dad?"

"Gun, I'm Leo your father's secretary."

"Why do you have my father's phone?" I asked him worriedly.

"He's here in your house now lying in bed while there is no life." His voice trembled as he spoke.

My body went cold and my knees were shaking. Even though my father and I are not okay, I still love him dearly because despite of everything, he is still my father.

"I'm going there." I said tearfully.

I turned off the call, Saint's forehead frowned as he looked at me.

"Saint you know how to drive don't you? He nodded." Can you drive me to my father's house? An emergency happened there. "

He was hesitant but he couldn't do anything when I pulled him towards the garage. "Maybe we should let Off know first before we leave."

I shook my head at him. "We don't have time, hurry up, I have to get there right away." He would still argue but I begged him.

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