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"You all sit down." I looked at them but they were missing. "Perth where is your boyfriend?"

"In the garden he wants to be alone first."

They were all obviously wondering why I suddenly called them. I need to let them know that we are all in danger now. Fortunately, Aom called me earlier and told me everything.

I just nodded to Perth. "You should inform me if anything suspicious happens to you guys because now that Arm is planning something for us and our lives are in danger, we all have to be very careful." They all nodded.

"Where's Gun?" Dada asked me.

I told him that he was in the garden. I knew Gun was confused as to which one was true around him. We talk that we should all carry weapons for our defense when someone wants to approach us and try to hurt us.

As I continued to speak my heart suddenly ached. I looked at my children, they were all having trouble breathing like me. They were in a hurry to give us medicine to ease the pain a bit.

I told Singto to look for Gun, maybe he was in danger because we felt a family bond. We took medicine and I wonder why even Perth felt the same.

"I have a strong feeling that mommy is in danger now." Mix said to me as his face turned red caused by her difficulty breathing.

Chimon lie down on the sofa. I knew he was also having a hard time because Bright had already given him oxygen so that he can  breath.

"I can't see Gun and Saint outside." Singto gasped as he spoke.

They all looked at me, we just thought the same thing now. It only has one thing to say, Gun and Saint are in danger now but the question is where will we find them?

I sat up and gasped. I failed to protect Gun again, I always failed. I don't want to kill people but if the replacement is Gun, then I'm ready to take Arm's life even though I used to be his best friend.

Krist hurried upstairs and came back with a laptop. "all the cars in the garage have phones and every phone has a GPS tracking app and it's all connected to it." He set the laptop down on the table and we all watched what he was doing.

Thank God for giving me a wise brother. I still have heart pain but it's not too painful because I took medicine. While we were waiting for Krist to locate Gun and Saint's car, I approached Chimon.

Chimon has a weak heart so whenever he feels the pain of the family bond he needs oxygen. His eyes were closed as his breath was very weak, even though there was oxygen attached to him.

My tears flowed as I looked at Chimon's condition. Fortunately, Win and Mix's heart was not weak. "You have to fight son for me and your mommy Gun." I whispered in his ear.


I was shocked when someone called me, I knew that voice, Aom owned that voice. We all stared at the door. It was Aom who called me. We sat her down and gave her some water to drink because she was obviously tired.

"You came here suddenly." Papa Mew said.

"Because, I know no one can stop Arm but me and at this time I know he already has my son Saint in his hands." I can see in Aom's eyes that he cares too much for his children.

"Not only does he have Saint but also Gun." I said. I'm angry with myself, Gun is always in danger because I'm so careless.

"I found it."

I approached Krist to look at what she found on his laptop. I took a deep breath when we saw the location, they were at Gun’s parent’s house.

"We're not just going to go there without weapons to fight them."

I looked at Papa Mew. He’s right, if we go there we have to make sure we beat them. "Only those who know how to fight will come with us, those who will be left who do not know how to fight will hide in the underground." I said.

Win and Mix came up to me and they hugged me, I hugged them too. I kissed their foreheads. "Be careful here and keep an eye on your youngest brother, I'll be back with your mommy."

They cried. "Take care of yourself dad." Sabi ni Win.

"Bring mommy here with you dad." Mix pleads with me as she cries.

I wiped away their tears. I know they already have husbands but for me they are still my babies.

Dada Gulf carries Chimon into the underground as Krist, Jane and Mix follow him. We prepared before going there, the clothes we were wearing were black and we would go there at night.

I hope this is the last time Arm and I will face each other, I don't want to see him hurting the people I love. As dusk fell, we disguised ourselves as women so that they would not recognize us. Perth and Tay even made fun of the way they dressed, it was really funny to see how we looked. We are like newly widowed women mourning the deaths of our husbands.

"Off, make sure my twin son is safe." Aom said to me.

I nodded at her. I know she loves Gun and Saint so much even though Gun didn’t grow up with her. I know she loves Gun, all she does is just don’t let her husband know where Gun is. Arm is unaware that Saint is not his only son.

Because if Arm found out that Atthaphan's reincarnation was his son, he would not hesitate to kill her son. So Aom deceived Arm when he was about to give birth to his twin, so that Arm would not know that his child was a twin.

After she gave, she let me choose the reincarnation of Atthaphan in his newborn son, I immediately recognized where Atthaphan’s soul was.

I took Gun to the couple who had no children and I told them to love and raise Gun well, I gave Gun's parents a lot of money where he grew up as payment for raising Gun.

I haven’t confessed to Gun about it yet but I have no intention of keeping it a secret from him forever, I just don’t want to see him hurt when he finds out that his real parents are the people who caused his suffering before.

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